FH でコマンドを使用してみてください。
ファイルをアップロードする CGI フォームの開始点として使用する Perl スクリプトを次に示します (フォームを表示してアップロードを行います)。
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use CGI::Pretty qw(:standard -any -no_xhtml -oldstyle_urls *center);
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser set_message);
use Upload;
# Constants
my $FILE_DIR_INTERNAL = 'Z:\webroot\tmp';
# Variables
my $ACTION = param('action') || "";
if (! $ACTION) { UploadForm() }
elsif ($ACTION eq "UploadFile") {
my $file = UploadFile($FILE_DIR_INTERNAL, 1);
print "File uploaded to $file\n<pre>";
open(F, "$file");
while(<F>) { print }
そして、そのスクリプトで使用される Perl モジュールは次のとおりです。
package Upload;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use File::Copy;
use CGI::Pretty qw(:standard -any -no_xhtml -oldstyle_urls *center);
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); # supposed to echo STDERR to browser, too
use Exporter;
our $VERSION = do{ q$Revision: 1.5 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d*)([^ ]*)/; sprintf "%d.%02d%s", $1, $2, $3; };
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(UploadForm UploadFile);
my $FILE_UPLOAD_PARAM = "fileUploaded";
# *************************************************************************
# FUNCTION: UploadForm
# NOTES: This subroutine displays the upload form.
# *************************************************************************
sub UploadForm {
print start_center;
print p("Upload a file from your computer:");
# Normally, I use the "get" method for forms (params show up in URL),
# but "post" is required for uploading files!
# Using "post" also requires that we pass parameters thru the hidden()
# commands down below, instead of in the URL.
print start_multipart_form({-method=>"post", -action=>script_name});
print filefield($FILE_UPLOAD_PARAM,"",50) . "\n";
# Hidden parameters are "sticky", so modify the existing "action" param,
# before trying to insert a new hidden "action" param.
# If you don't, will re-use the current "action" param.
param("action", "UploadFile");
print hidden("action") . "\n";
print p(submit("", "Upload File"));
print end_form;
print end_center;
# *************************************************************************
# FUNCTION: UploadFile
# NOTES: This subroutine handles data "posted" thru the form
# created in UploadForm().
# *************************************************************************
sub UploadFile {
my $dir = shift || die "ERROR! No arg passed to UploadFile().\n";
my $overwrite = shift || 0;
my $TEMP_FH;
# The upload() function returns the filename and a file handle. See
$_= $TEMP_FH = upload($FILE_UPLOAD_PARAM);
# What do all the regexes do? I wrote them, but I forgot. I think they
# strip off any path information (common in IE!) to get just the filename.
$_ = $1;
my $filename = $_;
my $serverFullFilename = "$dir/$filename";
if (! $filename) {
DisplayErrorPage("Illegal filename: '$filename'");
if ((! $overwrite) && (-e $serverFullFilename)) {
die "Unable to upload file. File '$filename' already exists.";
open(SERVER_FH,">$serverFullFilename") || die "Error opening $filename for writing.";
binmode SERVER_FH;
# Copy the file from the temp dir to the final location.
while (<$TEMP_FH>) {
print SERVER_FH;
if ((stat $serverFullFilename)[7] <= 0) {
unlink $serverFullFilename;
die "Unable to upload file '$filename'. This is usually due to the user specifying an invalid or unreadable file on the user's computer.";
return $serverFullFilename;
return 1;