私が働いているところでは、社内の技術者がいないので、助けてください。彼らは必要に応じて私に頼っています。オンラインで記入するアプリケーションがあり、アプリの結果を電子メールアドレスに電子メールで送信します。私たちのウェブホストサーバーgodaddyは最近PHP4(php 5.3)からPHP5に切り替えましたが、今でもアプリはウェブサイトに表示されますが、アプリを送信すると、完成したアプリケーションではなく空のアプリケーションがメールで送信されます。私はgodaddyに電話しましたが、データを送信するコードまたはスクリプトはPHP5と互換性がないと言われました。私は以下のコードを貼り付けました。これを機能させるために何を変更する必要があるかを誰かが知っているなら、私は彼らに大いに感謝し、私たちのビジネスを大いに助けます。以下は私が助けを必要としているコードです。あなたが提供できる洞察に感謝します
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-
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<title>Apply Online</title>
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foreach ($_POST as $k=>$v) {$k = $v;}
$date = date(r);
<table width="810" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td colspan="3" align="left" valign="top"><img src="../Images/GIF/Peterson_Cleaning_Logo_200x91.gif" alt="logo" width="200" height="91" /></td>
<td colspan="3" align="right" valign="middle">Peterson Cleaning, Inc.<br />
843 North Madison Street<br />
Rockford, IL. 61107<br />
Phone # 815.961.1300<br />
Fax # 815.961.1190</td>
<td colspan="6" > </td>
</tr><tr class="cell_title">
<td colspan="6" align="left" valign="top" class="cell_title"><p> </p>
<p>Thank you, your application has been submitted.</p>
<p> </p></td>
<td colspan="6" > </td>
$to = "applicant@petersoncleaning.com";
$subject = "$fname $mname $lname's Job Application";
$message = "<table width='810' border='0' align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
<td colspan='3' align='left' valign='top'><img
src='http://www.petersoncleaning.com/Images/GIF/Peterson_Cleaning_Logo_200x91.gif' alt='logo' width='200'
height='91' /></td>
<td colspan='3' align='right' valign='middle'>Peterson Cleaning, Inc.<br />
843 North Madison Street<br />
Rockford, IL. 61107<br />
Phone # 815.961.1300<br />
Fax # 815.961.1190</td>
<td colspan='6'> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_title'><strong>Application Information </strong></td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_right_align'> First Name:
<strong> $fname </strong>
<br />
Middle Name:
<strong> $mname </strong>
<br />
Last Name:
<strong> $lname </strong>
<br /></td>
<td colspan='4' class='cell_body_right_align'> Address:
<strong> $address </strong>
Apt number
<strong> $apartment_number </strong>
<br />
<strong> $city </strong>
<strong> $state </strong>
<strong> $zip </strong> </td>
<tr><td colspan='3' class='cell_body_center_align'>Home Phone #:
<strong> $home_phone </strong> </td>
<td colspan='3' class='cell_body_center_align'><span class='cell_body_left_align'>Cell Phone #:
<strong> $cell_phone </strong>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_center_align'>Date Availible: <span class='cell_body_right_align'><span
<strong> $date_availible </strong>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_center_align'>Social Security #: <span class='cell_body_left_align'><span
<strong> $soc_sec </strong>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_center_align'>Desired Salary: <span class='cell_body_left_align'><span
<strong> $desired_salary </strong>
<td colspan='3' class='cell_body_center_align'>Position Applied for: <span class='cell_body_left_align'> <strong>
$postion_applied_for </strong> </span></td>
<td colspan='3' class='cell_body_center_align'>City Applied for: <span class='cell_body_left_align'>
$city_applied_for </strong> </span></td>
<td colspan='3' class='cell_body_center_align'>Email Address:
<strong> $email </strong>
<span class='style1'>(optional) </span></td>
<td colspan='3' class='cell_body_center_align'>Birthdate:
<strong> $birthdate </strong>
<span class='style1'>(optional) </span></td>
<td colspan='3' class='cell_body_center_align'><p>Are you a citizen of the United States?
<br /><strong> $us_citizen </strong>
<td colspan='3' class='cell_body_center_align'><p>If no, are you authorized to work in the U.S.? <br /><strong>
$authorized_in_us </strong>
<td colspan='3' class='cell_body_center_align'>Have you ever worked for this company? <br /><strong> $have_worked_for </strong> </td>
<td colspan='3' class='cell_body_center_align'>If so, when?
<strong> $worked_for_peterson_when </strong> </td>
<td colspan='3' class='cell_body_center_align'>Have you ever been convicted of a felony? <br /><strong> $felony
</strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_center_align'> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_center_align'> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_center_align'> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_body_center_align'>If Yes, Explain:
<strong> $felony_because </strong> </td>
<td colspan='6'> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_title'>Education</td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_right_align'>High School:
<strong> $hs </strong> </td>
<td colspan='4' class='cell_body_right_align'> Address:
<strong> $hs_address </strong>
<br />
<strong> $hs_city </strong>
<strong> $hs_state </strong>
<strong> $hs_zip </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_right_align'>From:
<strong> $hs_from </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_right_align'>To:
<strong> $hs_to </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_center_align'>Did you graduate? <strong> $graduate_hs
</strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_right_align'> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_right_align'>College:
<strong> $college </strong> </td>
<td colspan='4' class='cell_body_right_align'> Address:
<strong> $college_address </strong>
<br />
<strong> $college_city </strong>
<strong> $college_state </strong>
<strong> $college_zip </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_right_align'>From:
<strong> $college_from </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_right_align'>To:
<strong> $college_to </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_center_align'>Did you graduate? <strong> $graduate_college
</strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_right_align'>Degree:
<strong> $college_degree </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_right_align'>Other:
<strong> $other </strong> </td>
<td colspan='4' class='cell_body_right_align'> Address:
<strong> $other_address </strong>
<br />
<strong> $other_city </strong>
<strong> $other_state </strong>
<strong> $other_zip </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_right_align'>From:
<strong> $other_from </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_right_align'>To:
<strong> $other_to </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_center_align'>Did you graduate? <strong> $graduate_other
</strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_right_align'>Degree:
<strong> $other_degree </strong> </td>
<td colspan='6'> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_title'>References</td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_left_align'><em>Please list three references </em></td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body'> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body'> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body'> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body'> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_left_align'>Full Name:
<strong> $ref1_name </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_left_align'>Relationship:
<strong> $ref1_relation </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_left_align'>Phone #:
<strong> $ref1_phone </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_right_align'>Company:
<strong> $ref1_company </strong> </td>
<td colspan='4' class='cell_body_right_align'> Address:
<strong> $ref1_address </strong>
<br />
<strong> $ref1_city </strong>
<strong> $ref1_state </strong>
<strong> $ref1_zip </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_left_align'>Full Name:
<strong> $ref2_name </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_left_align'>Relationship:
<strong> $ref2_relation </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_left_align'>Phone #:
<strong> $ref2_phone </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_right_align'>Company:
<strong> $ref2_company </strong> </td>
<td colspan='4' class='cell_body_right_align'> Address:
<strong> $ref2_address </strong>
<br />
<strong> $ref2_city </strong>
<strong> $ref2_state </strong>
<strong> $ref2_zip </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_left_align'>Full Name:
<strong> $ref3_name </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_left_align'>Relationship:
<strong> $ref3_relation </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_left_align'>Phone #:
<strong> $ref3_phone </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_right_align'>Company:
<strong> $ref3_company </strong> </td>
<td colspan='4' class='cell_body_right_align'> Address:
<strong> $ref3_address </strong>
<br />
<strong> $ref3_city </strong>
<strong> $ref3_state </strong>
<strong> $ref3_zip </strong> </td>
<td width='135'> </td>
<td width='135'> </td>
<td width='135'> </td>
<td width='135'> </td>
<td width='135'> </td>
<td width='135'> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_title'>Previous Employment </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_right_align'>Company:
<strong> $pe1_company </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_right_align'>Supervisor:
<strong> $pe1_suporvisor </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_right_align'>Phone #:
<strong> $pe1_phone </strong> </td>
<td colspan='4' class='cell_body_right_align'> Address:
<strong> $pe1_address </strong>
<br />
<strong> $pe1_city </strong>
<strong> $pe1_state </strong>
<strong> $pe1_zip </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_center_align'>Starting Salary:
<strong> $pe1_starting </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_center_align'>Ending Salary:
<strong> $pe1_ending </strong> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_body_center_align'>Responsibilities:
<strong> $pe1_responsibilities </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_right_align'>From:
<strong> $pe1_from </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_right_align'>To:
<strong> $pe1_to </strong> </td>
<td colspan='4' class='cell_body_center_align'>Reason for Leaving:
<strong> $pe1_reason </strong> </td>
<td colspan='5' class='cell_body_center_align'>May we contact your previous supervisor for a reference?<strong>
$prev_employer1_can_we_contact </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body'> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_right_align'>Company:
<strong> $pe2_company </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_right_align'>Supervisor:
<strong> $pe2_suporvisor </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_right_align'>Phone #:
<strong> $pe2_phone </strong> </td>
<td colspan='4' class='cell_body_right_align'> Address:
<strong> $pe2_address </strong>
<br />
<strong> $pe2_city </strong>
<strong> $pe2_state </strong>
<strong> $pe2_zip </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_center_align'>Starting Salary:
<strong> $pe2_starting </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_center_align'>Ending Salary:
<strong> $pe2_ending </strong> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_body_center_align'>Responsibilities:
<strong> $pe2_responsibilities </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_right_align'>From:
<strong> $pe2_from </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_right_align'>To:
<strong> $pe2_to </strong> </td>
<td colspan='4' class='cell_body_center_align'>Reason for Leaving:
<strong> $pe2_reason </strong> </td>
<td colspan='5' class='cell_body_center_align'>May we contact your previous supervisor for a reference? <strong>
$prev_employer2_can_we_contact </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body'> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_right_align'>Company:
<strong> $pe3_company </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_right_align'>Supervisor:
<strong> $pe3_suporvisor </strong> </td>
<td colspan='2' class='cell_body_right_align'>Phone #:
<strong> $pe3_phone </strong> </td>
<td colspan='4' class='cell_body_right_align'> Address:
<strong> $pe3_address </strong>
<br />
<strong> $pe3_city </strong>
<strong> $pe3_state </strong>
<strong> $pe3_zip </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_center_align'>Starting Salary:
<strong> $pe3_starting </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_center_align'>Ending Salary:
<strong> $pe3_ending </strong> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_body_center_align'>Responsibilities:
<strong> $pe3_responsibilities </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_right_align'>From:
<strong> $pe3_from </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_right_align'>To:
<strong> $pe3_to </strong> </td>
<td colspan='4' class='cell_body_center_align'>Reason for Leaving:
<strong> $pe3_reason </strong> </td>
<td colspan='5' class='cell_body_center_align'>May we contact your previous supervisor for a reference?<strong> $prev_employer3_can_we_contact </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body'> </td>
<td colspan='6'> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_title'>Military Service </td>
<td colspan='4' class='cell_body_left_align'>Branch:
<strong> $military_branch </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_right_align'>From:
<strong> $military_from </strong> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_right_align'>To:
<strong> $military_to </strong> </td>
<td colspan='3' class='cell_body_left_align'>Rank at Discharge:
<strong> $rank </strong> </td>
<td colspan='3' class='cell_body_left_align'>Type of Discharge:
<strong> $type_of_discharge </strong> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_body_left_align'>If other than honorable, explain:
<strong> $textfield6 </strong> </td>
<td colspan='6'> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_title'>Questionaire</td>
<td colspan='4' class='cell_body_left_align'><em>Please answer each question to the best of your ability. </em></td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body'> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body'> </td>
<td colspan='6'><p class='cell_body_left_align'>Do you have any physical Condition that may limit your ability to perform the job for which you have applied?<br /><strong> $has_physical_condition </strong>
If yes, please explain:
<strong> $yes_physical_condition </strong>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_body_left_align'>Does heat, standing on your feet, or lifting cause you any difficulties?<br /><strong> $standing </strong>
If yes, please explain:
<strong> $yes_standing </strong> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_body_left_align'>My number one reason for seeking employment in a cleaning buisness is:<br /> <strong> $reasond_for_seeking_employment </strong> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_body_left_align'>I am applying to Peterson Cleaning, Inc. because:<br /> <strong> $peterson_cleaning </strong> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_body_left_align'>My friends describe me as:<br /> <strong> $friends_describe_me_as </strong> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_body_left_align'>My previous (or current) employer describes me as:<br />
<strong> $previous_employer_describes_me_as </strong> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_body_left_align'>When considering dependability, thouroughness, or energy level I feel my strongest area is: <br />
<strong> $strongest_area </strong> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_body_left_align'>When it comes to getting along with fellow employees I can always be counted on to: <br />
<strong> $fellow_employees </strong> </td>
<td width='135'> </td>
<td width='135'> </td>
<td width='135'> </td>
<td width='135'> </td>
<td width='135'> </td>
<td width='135'> </td>
<td colspan='6'> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_title'>Disclaimer and Agreement </td>
<tr class='cell_body_left_align'>
<td colspan='6'><p>I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.</p>
<p>If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my release.</p></td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_body_center_align'> </td>
<td width='135' class='cell_body_center_align'> <strong> $contact_previous_employers </strong> </td>
<td colspan='5' class='cell_body_left_align'>By checking the box to the left, I herby authorize and request any present or former employer, school, police department, financial institution or other person having personal knowledge about me, to furnish bearer (Peterson Cleaning, Inc.) with any and all information in their possession regarding me in connection with an application for employment. A printout or photocopy of this authorization may be accepted with the same authority as the original, and I specifically waive any written notice from any present or former employer who may provide information based upon this authorized request. I understand this authorization is to be part of the submitted application that I filled out. </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_body_center_align'> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_body_center_align'>By pressing the submit button, you agree to the terms expressed above.</td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_body_center_align'> </td>
<td colspan='6' class='cell_body_center_align'>Submitted <strong> $date </strong> </td>
<td width='135'> </td>
<td width='135'> </td>
<td width='135'> </td>
<td width='135'> </td>
<td width='135'> </td>
<td width='135'> </td>
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n";
$headers .= "From: Webpage@petersoncleaning.com\r\n";
mail($to, $subject, $message , $headers);