Visual Studio 2012 で F# を使用しているときに、理解できないコンパイル エラーが発生しました。
type Foo() =
inherit System.Exception()
member inline this.Bar() = ()
次のエラー メッセージは何を意味しますか?
/home/iU0RLi/prog.fs(3,22): error FS0073: internal error: the mustinline value 'Bar' was not inferred to have a known value
/home/iU0RLi/prog.fs(5,1): error FS1114: The value 'Prog.Foo.Bar' was marked inline but was not bound in the optimization environment
/home/iU0RLi/prog.fs(3,22): error FS1113: The value 'Bar' was marked inline but its implementation makes use of an internal or private function which is not sufficiently accessible
/home/iU0RLi/prog.fs(5,1): warning FS1116: A value marked as 'inline' has an unexpected value
/home/iU0RLi/prog.fs(5,1): error FS1118: Failed to inline the value 'Bar' marked 'inline', perhaps because a recursive value was marked 'inline'