include_once ("jpgraph/jpgraph.php");
include_once ("jpgraph/jpgraph_scatter.php");
// Some data for the points
$datax = array(3.5,13.7,3,4,6.2,6,3.5,8,14,8,11.1,13.7);
$datay = array(10,22,12,13,17,20,16,19,30,31,40,43);
// A new scatter graph
$graph = new Graph(300,200,'auto');
$graph->title->Set("Scatter plot with Image Map");
// Client side image map targets
"pie_csimex1.php#7","pie_csimex1.php#8","pie_csimex1.php#9" );
// Strings to put as "alts" (and "title" value)
// Create a new scatter plot
$sp1 = new ScatterPlot($datay,$datax);
// Use diamonds as markerss
// Set the scatter plot image map targets
// Add the plot
// Send back the HTML page which will call this script again
// to retrieve the image.
with `$fileName = "./lang/12345.png"; $graph->img->Stream($fileName);
echo('<img src="./lang/12345.png" />');`
// Some data for the points
$datax =$Emp_RecFactor;
$datay =$Variance;
// A new scatter graph
$graph = new Graph(600,600);
$graph->title->Set("Equity Graph Of All Employees");
// Client side image map targets
"pie_csimex1.php#7","pie_csimex1.php#8","pie_csimex1.php#9" );
// Strings to put as "alts" (and "title" value)
// Create a new scatter plot
$sp1 = new ScatterPlot($datay,$datax);
// Use diamonds as markerss
// Set the scatter plot image map targets
// Add the plot
// Send back the HTML page which will call this script again
// to retrieve the image.
test2.php には...
echo "<p>hello</p>";
include "Talent_Graphcopy.php"; // containing the graph code
echo "<p>goodbye</p>";