これはすべて、LinuxとMacのChrome、Safari、Firefoxで正常に機能しますが、PCのInternet Explorerでテストすると、すべてが間違っているように見え、まったく機能しません。コンソールを開きましたが、エラーは発生しません。
var disappear = function(){
// window.location = window.location
var $m = $('.modal')
$("<div class='modal'>").css({
position: 'fixed',
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backgroundColor: '#000',
opacity: .8,
top: 0,
left: 0
})).click(disappear).after($("<div class='modal'>").css({
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// height: 300,
backgroundColor: '#FFE',
borderRadius: 10,
border: "5px solid #005400",
top: '10%',
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marginLeft: -300,
padding: '1em',
fontFamily: 'trebuchet ms, sans-serif'
}).html("<h2>Please be advised</h2><p>\
The information on this website is maintained for historical purposes.<br>\
It has not been updated since 2009.<br>\
However, Tesfa Community Tourism continues to thrive.<br>\
<h3>For up to date information...</h3>\
<a href='http://tesfatours.com/?from=cbtcom' class='button green'>Book with Tesfa Tours</a>\
<a href='http://community-tourism-ethiopia.org/?from=cbtcom' class='button sand'>Community website</a>\
<a href='#' id='close' class='button'>Continue to archive site</a>\
$('table table').eq(1).html(myString)