string pegasusKey = @"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pegasus\";
string opera2ServerPath = @"Server VFP\";
string opera3ServerPath = @"O3 Client VFP\";
string opera2InstallationPath = null;
string opera3InstallationPath = null;
//Gets the opera Installtion paths and reads to the string opera*InstallationPath
opera2InstallationPath = (string)Registry.GetValue(pegasusKey + opera2ServerPath + "System", "PathToServerDynamic", null);
opera3InstallationPath = (string)Registry.GetValue(pegasusKey + opera3ServerPath + "System", "PathToServerDynamic", null);
string Filesource = null;
string[] FileList = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop, false);
foreach (string File in FileList)
Filesource = File;
label.Text = Filesource;
if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(opera3InstallationPath))
System.IO.File.Copy(Filesource, opera3InstallationPath);
MessageBox.Show("File Copied from" + Filesource + "\n to" + opera3InstallationPath);
MessageBox.Show("Directory Doesn't Exist");