* TKGetNextToken returns the next token from the token stream as a
* character string. Space for the returned token should be dynamically
* allocated. The caller is responsible for freeing the space once it is
* no longer needed.
* If the function succeeds, it returns a C string (delimited by '\0')
* containing the token. Else it returns 0.
* You need to fill in this function as part of your implementation.
char *TKGetNextToken(TokenizerT *tk) {
char *sPtr, *tPtr, *delim, *temp = NULL, *ret = NULL;
sPtr = tk->sepr; //pointer to the separators
tPtr = tk->ts;
temp = tPtr;
while (tPtr[0] != '\0') //Scan tokenstream
delim = tk->sepr;
while (delim[0] != '\0') //scan separator stream
if (*tPtr == *delim) //Matched with a separator
if (tPtr == temp) //Check if beginning of the tokenstream
//then skip over this character.
break; //Break loop because it may skip checking a char with a prev delim.
//Cut off current position with null character and pass over it.
*tPtr = '\0';
if((ret = malloc(sizeof temp) + 1 * sizeof(char)) != NULL) //add 1 for null character '\0'
strcpy(ret, temp);
tk->ts = tPtr; //In position for next token.
return ret;
delim++; //Go to next separator.
tPtr++; //Go to next character.
if((ret = malloc(sizeof temp) + 1 * sizeof(char)) != NULL) //add 1 for null character '\0'
strcpy(ret, temp);
tk->ts = tPtr;
return ret;