


tell application "Welcome" to activate
set question to display dialog "Would you like a welcome video?" buttons {"No, I've seen it", "Yes, please"} default button 2
set answer to button returned of question
if answer is equal to "Yes, please" then tell application "QuickTime Player"
    set theMovie to "Macintosh HD:Library:Desktop Pictures:Mac ML Opening Chalkbaord Video.mov"
    set openMovie to open theMovie
    present openMovie
    play openMovie
    delay 30
end tell
if answer is equal to "No, I've seen it" then tell application "Welcome"
    tell application "System Events"
        delete login item "Welcome"
    end tell
end tell

1 に答える 1



アプリケーションに何かをするように指示するifステートメントでのアプローチは珍しいものです。私はそれをしません。また、ifステートメントを1つのif /elseifステートメントに結合します。とにかく、これが私があなたのコードを書く方法です(私はアプリケーション「ようこそ」がコード自体であると仮定しています)。これがお役に立てば幸いです。

set theMovie to "Macintosh HD:Library:Desktop Pictures:Mac ML Opening Chalkbaord Video.mov"

tell me to activate
set question to display dialog "Would you like a welcome video?" buttons {"No, I've seen it", "Yes, please"} default button 2
set answer to button returned of question

if answer is equal to "Yes, please" then
    tell application "QuickTime Player"
        set openMovie to open file theMovie

        -- delay until the movie opens
        set startTime to current date
        repeat until exists document 1
            delay 0.2
            if (current date) - startTime is greater than 10 then return -- a precaution so you don't get stuck in the repeat loop forever
        end repeat

        present openMovie
        play openMovie

        -- delay until the movie stops playing
        repeat until document 1 is not playing
            delay 1
        end repeat

    end tell
else if answer is equal to "No, I've seen it" then
    tell application "System Events" to delete login item "Welcome"
end if
于 2012-09-19T21:25:52.540 に答える