$upload = $_FILES['uploaded_img'];
$uploadPath = 'new/path/for/upload/';
$uploadName = pathinfo($upload['name'], PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$restrainedQuality = 75; //0 = lowest, 100 = highest. ~75 = default
$sizeLimit = 2000;
if($upload['size'] > $sizeLimit) {
//open a stream for the uploaded image
$streamHandle = @fopen($upload['tmp_name'], 'r');
//create a image resource from the contents of the uploaded image
$resource = imagecreatefromstring(stream_get_contents($streamHandle));
die('Something wrong with the upload!');
//close our file stream
//move the uploaded file with a lesser quality
imagejpeg($resource, $uploadPath . $uploadName . '.jpg', $restrainedQuality);
//delete the temporary upload
} else {
//the file size is less than the limit, just move the temp file into its appropriate directory
move_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'], $uploadPath . $upload['name']);
これは、PHP GDでサポートされているすべての画像形式を受け入れます(サーバーにインストールされていると仮定します。ほとんどの場合はそうです)。画像が制限未満の場合は、指定したパスに元の画像がアップロードされます。