オプションのドロップダウンと送信ボタンを提供する「レポート」機能があります。オプションが選択されると、その選択の ID が「generatePatientInfo($id=null)」という別の関数に渡され、csv が生成されます。私の問題は、ID が最初の数字の後に切り捨てられることです。2、5、6、9 などの 1 桁の ID はすべて想定どおりに機能しますが、ID が 2044 の場合、ID が 2 に切り捨てられ、ID が 2 ではなく ID が 2 の選択肢の情報が表示されます。 2044. 困惑しており、修正方法がわかりません。以下は、アクションのコントローラーとビューのコードです。
function report(){
$this->set('alldrugs', $this->Drug->find('list', array(
//'cache' => 'drugList',
//'cacheConfig' => 'sql',
'fields' => array('id', 'generic'),
'order' => 'Drug.generic',
'recursive' => -1,
if (!empty($this->data['DrugCalls'])) {
function generatePatientInfo($id=null) {
$this->layout = 'ajax';
// get drug info
$drug = $this->Drug->read(
'Drug.id', 'Drug.generic'
$patients = $this->Drug->query('SELECT patients.id, calls.id call_id, patients.first_name, patients.last_name, patients.phone, patients.email, calls.created '
. 'FROM drugs, drug_lactation_links, lactation, calls, patients '
. 'WHERE drugs.id = ' . $id . ' AND drugs.id = drug_lactation_links.drug_id AND '
. 'drug_lactation_links.lactation_id = lactation.id AND lactation.call_id = calls.id AND calls.patient_id = patients.id '
. 'UNION '
. 'SELECT patients.id, calls.id call_id, patients.first_name, patients.last_name, patients.phone, patients.email, calls.created '
. 'FROM drugs, drug_pregnancy_links, pregnancies, calls, patients '
. 'WHERE drugs.id = ' . $id . ' AND drugs.id = drug_pregnancy_links.drug_id AND '
. 'drug_pregnancy_links.pregnancy_id = pregnancies.id AND pregnancies.call_id = calls.id AND calls.patient_id = patients.id '
. 'ORDER BY created DESC'
$this->set('title_for_layout', 'Patient contact information for ' . $drug['Drug']['generic']);
<?php //report.ctp ?>
<?php echo $form->create('DrugCalls', array('url' => array('controller' => 'drugs', 'action' => 'report')));?>
<?php //echo $form->create('Patient Calls');?>
<legend><?php printf('Calls for Generic Report'); ?></legend>
echo $form->input('DrugList', array('type' => 'select', 'id' => 'DrugList', 'label' => 'Select generic drug:',
'empty' => 'Select', 'options' => $alldrugs)
echo '<br />NOTE: Select a drug above to generate a list of patients who called about it.' .
'<br/>' . 'The report will need to be imported into Excel.';
echo $form->end(__('Submit', true));
// add the header row
$header = array('First Name','Last Name','Phone Number','Email');
$csv->addRow(array('Enter Generic: ' . $drug['Drug']['generic']));
$csv->addRow(array('Drug ID: ' . $drug['Drug']['id']));
// add all the data
foreach($patients as $patient) {
// render the CSV file
echo $csv->render('Patients-list.csv');