これは、Windows のネイティブ イベント ループを利用することで実現できます。
次のコードは同じ POC であり、言及した 3 つのポイントすべてに対応しています。ただし、これは単なる POC であることに注意してください。これは型安全ではなく、遅くなる可能性のある Delegate.DynamicInvoke を使用しますが、それでも概念を証明します。
public static class EventLoop
private class EventTask
public EventTask(Delegate taskHandler) : this(taskHandler, null) {}
public EventTask(Delegate taskHandler, Delegate callback)
TaskHandler = taskHandler;
Callback = callback;
private Delegate Callback {get; set;}
private Delegate TaskHandler {get; set;}
public void Invoke(object param)
object[] paramArr = null;
if (param.GetType().Equals(typeof(object[])))
paramArr = (object[]) param; //So that DynamicInvoke does not complain
object res = null;
if (TaskHandler != null)
if (paramArr != null)
res = TaskHandler.DynamicInvoke(paramArr);
res = TaskHandler.DynamicInvoke(param);
if (Callback != null)
EnqueueSyncTask(Callback, res);
private static WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext _syncContext;
public static void Run(Action<string[]> mainProc, string[] args)
//You need to reference System.Windows.Forms
_syncContext = new WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext();
EnqueueSyncTask(mainProc, args);
public static void EnqueueSyncTask(Delegate taskHandler, object param)
//All these tasks will run one-by-one in order on Main thread
//either on call of Application.DoEvenets or when Main thread becomes idle
_syncContext.Post(new EventTask(taskHandler).Invoke, param);
public static void EnqueueAsyncTask(Delegate taskHandler, object param, Delegate callback)
//En-queue on .Net Thread Pool
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new EventTask(taskHandler, callback).Invoke, param);
static void Main(string[] args)
Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "MAIN THREAD";
Console.WriteLine("Method Main: " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name);
EventLoop.Run(MainProc, args);
static void MainProc(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Method MainProc: " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Queuing Long Running Task...");
EventLoop.EnqueueAsyncTask(new Func<int,int,int>(LongCalculation), new object[]{5,6}, new Action<int>(PrintResult));
Console.WriteLine("Queued Long Running Task");
Thread.Sleep(400); //Do more work
EventLoop.EnqueueAsyncTask(new Func<int, int, int>(LongCalculation), new object[] { 15, 16 }, new Action<int>(PrintResult));
Thread.Sleep(150); //Do some more work but within this time 2nd task is not able to complete, meanwhile 1st task completes
//Long running Tasks will run in background but callback will be executed only when Main thread becomes idle
//To execute the callbacks before that, call Application.DoEvents
Application.DoEvents(); //PrintResult for 1st task as 2nd is not yet complete
Console.WriteLine("Method MainProc: Working over-time!!!!");
Thread.Sleep(500); //After this sleep, 2nd Task's print will also be called as Main thread will become idle
static int LongCalculation(int a, int b)
Console.WriteLine("Method LongCalculation, Is Thread Pool Thread: " + Thread.CurrentThread.IsThreadPoolThread);
Console.WriteLine("Running Long Calculation");
Thread.Sleep(500); //long calc
Console.WriteLine("completed Long Calculation");
return a + b;
static void PrintResult(int a)
Console.WriteLine("Method PrintResult: " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Result: " + a);
//Continue processing potentially queuing more long running tasks