Error; Variable Referenced Before Assignment
for myhp を取得しています。私の .py ファイルの先頭には、「myhp = 20」があります。
def fightmode(name, hp, dmg, gold):
print '\n\n\nYou are in a fight with %s' %name
print '%s has %sHP' %(name, hp)
while myhp > 0 and hp > 0:
print '\n\t1. Attack \n\t2. Guard \n\t3. Run away.'
opt1= ''
allowed = ["1", "2", "3"]
while opt1 not in allowed:
opt1 = raw_input("\nWhat will you do? ")
if opt1 == "1":
hp = hp - mydmg
print "You have inflicted %d damage on %s. %s's HP is %s" %(mydmg, name, name, hp)
if opt1 == "2":
myhp = myhp+5
print "You are now guarding yourself. Your HP is now %d" %myhp