$im = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents('I/image.png')); //
$imw = imagesx($im); /*w*/ $imh = imagesy($im); /*h*/
$tmpIm = imagecreatetruecolor($imw, $imh); // This is black by default
imagealphablending($tmpIm, false); imagesavealpha($tmpIm, true); // Set these as usual
$wht = imagecolorallocatealpha($tmpIm, 255, 255, 255, 127); // white
imagecolortransparent($tmpIm, $wht); // Setting this seems to be unsettable and will make this color transparent on all images later coppied to it
imagealphablending($tmpIm, false); imagesavealpha($tmpIm, true); // Set these as usual
// That is it... As long as you set the transparency of the background before you copy it should work. That means now at least some of the other answers can work now.
imagecopyresampled($tmpIm, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $imw, $imh, $imw, $imh); // Copy or resize whatever floats your boat. The above process is what does the trick.
$newIm = imagecreatetruecolor($imw, $imh); // Begin Clone
imagealphablending($newIm, false); imagesavealpha($newIm, true); // Set these as usual
imagecopyresampled($newIm, $tmpIm, 0, 0, 0, 0, $imw, $imh, $imw, $imh); // Clearing the tranparent color previously set (Workaround)
header('Content-Type: image/png');
imagepng($newIm); // see I told you.. Or he did... Whatever, it works...
function F_img_clone($im,$trgt,$id){
$imw = imagesx($im); $imh = imagesy($im); // Height and Width of Original
if(empty($trgt) === true){
$rsiw = $imw; $rsih = $imh; // if there are no H or W changes
}else{ // if there are H or W changes
if( $imw > $imh ) {
$pcntg = ( ($trgt??1920) / $imw );
$pcntg = ( ($trgt??1920) / $imh );
$rsiw = round($imw * $pcntg); $rsih = round($imh * $pcntg);
$ni = imagecreatetruecolor($rsiw, $rsih);// Begin the background
imagealphablending($ni, false); imagesavealpha($ni, true); // To keep the alpha channel
$wht = imagecolorallocatealpha($ni, 255, 255, 255, 127); // white
imagecolortransparent($ni, $wht); // Setting this seems to be unsettable and will make this color transparent on all images later coppied to it
imagealphablending($ni, false); imagesavealpha($ni, true);
imagecopyresampled($ni, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $rsiw, $rsih, $imw, $imh);
imagealphablending($ni, true); imagesavealpha($ni, false);
$imw = imagesx($ni); /*h*/ $imh = imagesy($ni); /*w*/
${$id} = imagecreatetruecolor($imw, $imh); // Begin Clone
imagealphablending(${$id}, false); imagesavealpha(${$id}, true); // Set these as usual
imagecopyresampled(${$id}, $ni, 0, 0, 0, 0, $imw, $imh, $imw, $imh); // Clearing the tranparent color previously set (Workaround)
return ${$id};
$image = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents('I/image.png')); //
$clone = F_img_clone($image,'','clone');