バグではないかもしれません。一連の取引を無駄に使用している可能性があります。トランザクションごとに複数のリクエストを使用できます。 onsuccess
* @param {goog.async.Deferred} df
* @param {string} store_name table name.
* @param {!Array.<!Object>} objects object to put.
* @param {!Array.<(Array|string|number)>=} opt_keys
ydn.db.req.WebSql.prototype.putObjects = function (df, store_name, objects, opt_keys) {
var table = this.schema.getStore(store_name);
if (!table) {
throw new ydn.db.NotFoundError(store_name);
var me = this;
var result_keys = [];
var result_count = 0;
* Put and item at i. This ydn.db.core.Storage will invoke callback to df if all objects
* have been put, otherwise recursive call to itself at next i+1 item.
* @param {number} i
* @param {SQLTransaction} tx
var put = function (i, tx) {
// todo: handle undefined or null object
var out;
if (goog.isDef(opt_keys)) {
out = table.getIndexedValues(objects[i], opt_keys[i]);
} else {
out = table.getIndexedValues(objects[i]);
//console.log([obj, JSON.stringify(obj)]);
var sql = 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ' + table.getQuotedName() +
' (' + out.columns.join(', ') + ') ' +
'VALUES (' + out.slots.join(', ') + ');';
* @param {SQLTransaction} transaction transaction.
* @param {SQLResultSet} results results.
var success_callback = function (transaction, results) {
result_keys[i] = goog.isDef(out.key) ? out.key : results.insertId;
if (result_count == objects.length) {
} else {
var next = i + ydn.db.req.WebSql.RW_REQ_PER_TX;
if (next < objects.length) {
put(next, transaction);
* @param {SQLTransaction} tr transaction.
* @param {SQLError} error error.
var error_callback = function (tr, error) {
if (ydn.db.req.WebSql.DEBUG) {
window.console.log([sql, out, tr, error]);
return true; // roll back
//console.log([sql, out.values]);
tx.executeSql(sql, out.values, success_callback, error_callback);
if (objects.length > 0) {
// send parallel requests
for (var i = 0; i < ydn.db.req.WebSql.RW_REQ_PER_TX && i < objects.length; i++) {
put(i, this.getTx());
} else {
トランザクション キューに関しては、SQLite で処理するよりもアプリケーションで処理した方が堅牢性が高くなります。基本的にcomplete
、新しいトランザクションを開始する前にトランザクション イベントを監視できます。また、制御下にある限り、複数のトランザクションを実行しても問題ありません。制御不能になると、ループの下でトランザクションが開かれます。通常、私はいくつかのトランザクションのみを開きます。
* Create a new isolated transaction. After creating a transaction, use
* {@link #getTx} to received an active transaction. If transaction is not
* active, it return null. In this case a new transaction must re-create.
* @export
* @param {Function} trFn function that invoke in the transaction.
* @param {!Array.<string>} store_names list of keys or
* store name involved in the transaction.
* @param {ydn.db.TransactionMode=} opt_mode mode, default to 'readonly'.
* @param {function(ydn.db.TransactionEventTypes, *)=} oncompleted
* @param {...} opt_args
* @override
ydn.db.tr.TxStorage.prototype.transaction = function (trFn, store_names, opt_mode, oncompleted, opt_args) {
//console.log('tr starting ' + trFn.name);
var scope_name = trFn.name || '';
var names = store_names;
if (goog.isString(store_names)) {
names = [store_names];
} else if (!goog.isArray(store_names) ||
(store_names.length > 0 && !goog.isString(store_names[0]))) {
throw new ydn.error.ArgumentException("storeNames");
var mode = goog.isDef(opt_mode) ? opt_mode : ydn.db.TransactionMode.READ_ONLY;
var outFn = trFn;
if (arguments.length > 4) { // handle optional parameters
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 4);
outFn = function () {
// Prepend the bound arguments to the current arguments.
var newArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
//newArgs.unshift.apply(newArgs, args); // pre-apply
newArgs = newArgs.concat(args); // post-apply
return trFn.apply(this, newArgs);
outFn.name = scope_name;
var me = this;
if (this.mu_tx_.isActive()) {
//console.log(this + ' active')
this.pushTxQueue(outFn, store_names, mode, oncompleted);
} else {
//console.log(this + ' not active')
var transaction_process = function (tx) {
me.mu_tx_.up(tx, scope_name);
// now execute transaction process
me.mu_tx_.out(); // flag transaction callback scope is over.
// transaction is still active and use in followup request handlers
var completed_handler = function (type, event) {
me.mu_tx_.down(type, event);
* @preserve_try
try {
if (goog.isFunction(oncompleted)) {
oncompleted(type, event);
} catch (e) {
// swallow error. document it publicly.
// this is necessary to continue transaction queue
if (goog.DEBUG) {
throw e;
} finally {
if (ydn.db.tr.TxStorage.DEBUG) {
window.console.log(this + ' transaction ' + mode + ' open for ' + JSON.stringify(names) + ' in ' + scope_name);
this.storage_.newTransaction(transaction_process, names, mode, completed_handler);