I built a website that works great on Firefox, IE, and Chrome. Client goes to a tradeshow and realizes the website menu went bonkers in their iPad.
broken menu http://www.glassdoctordenvermetro.com/wp-content/themes/GDDenverTheme/images/photo.JPG
I tried a website that lets you preview your design by simulating it in case you don't have an iPad (like me). But the problem is it looks fine: http://ipadpreview.com/previewer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fglassdoctordenvermetro.com%2F
What would suggest I do to figure this out? Is it a problem with the font being different on every browser perhaps? The width of the tab changes based on the menu font and wording but again, it looks fine on all other browsers I tested.
Thank you