解決策は、作成時に ScriptingContainer インスタンスのスコープを指定することです。ScriptingContainer コンストラクターの 1 つは LocalContextScope 型のパラメーターを受け取り、定数の 1 つを使用してスコープを定義します。LocalContextScope.javaを参照してください。
public class LoadPathProblem {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create the first container
ScriptingContainer c1 = new ScriptingContainer();
// FIX ScriptingContainer c1 = new ScriptingContainer(LocalContextScope.SINGLETHREAD);
// Setting a load path for scripts
String path1[] = new String[] { ".\\scripts\\one" };
// Run a script that requires loading scripts in the load path above
EvalUnit unit1 = c1.parse("load 'test.rb'\n" + "testCall");
IRubyObject ret1 = unit1.run();
// Create the second container, completely independent of the first one
ScriptingContainer c2 = new ScriptingContainer();
// FIX ScriptingContainer c2 = new ScriptingContainer(LocalContextScope.SINGLETHREAD);
// Setting a different load path for this container as compared to the first container
String path2[] = new String[] { ".\\Scripts\\two" };
// Run a script that requires loading scripts in the different path
EvalUnit unit2 = c2.parse("load 'test.rb'\n" + "testCall");
IRubyObject ret2 = unit2.run();
* PROBLEM: Expected here that the function testCall will be called from
* the .\scripts\two\test.rb, but as you can see the output says that
* the function was still called from .\scripts\one\test.rb.
上記のコードを試すためのテスト スクリプトは、別のフォルダーに配置できますが、同じファイル名 (上記の例では "test.rb") を使用できます。
def testCall
"Called one"
def testCall
"Called two"