クラス用に書くと思われるこのコードに問題があります。プログラム自体はループまで動作します。私はこれまでループを作ったことがなく、彼女がそれを紹介した日はクラスにいなかったので、それがどのように行われたかを推測しています. 誰かが私がそれをどのように修正すべきかについてコメントを投稿できれば、それは素晴らしいことです. これもVBAで

Module Bits

    Dim employeeName As String
    Dim currentSalary As Decimal
    Dim payIncrease As Single
    Dim runReply As Char
    Dim employeeSalary As Single
    Dim numbersOfEmployees As Decimal
    Dim projectedSalary As Decimal
    Dim increasedSalary As Decimal
    Dim y As Char
    Dim n As Char

    Sub Main()

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Bits and Pieces Manufacturing Company")
            Console.Out.WriteLine(DateString & "                        By.Cristian Bouchez")


            Console.Out.Write(vbCrLf & "Enter your employee's name:                    ")
            employeeName = Console.In.ReadLine()
            Console.Out.Write("Enter your employee's current weekly salary:  $")
            currentSalary = Console.In.ReadLine()
            Console.Out.Write("Enter your employee's pay increase:           %")
            payIncrease = Console.In.ReadLine()

            payIncrease = payIncrease / 100
            employeeSalary = currentSalary * payIncrease
            payIncrease = payIncrease * 100
            employeeSalary = employeeSalary + currentSalary

            numbersOfEmployees = numbersOfEmployees + 1
            projectedSalary = projectedSalary + currentSalary
            increasedSalary = increasedSalary + (employeeSalary - currentSalary)

            Console.Out.WriteLine(vbCrLf & vbCrLf & employeeName & " will earn $" & employeeSalary & _
                                  " after a %" & payIncrease & " raise.")

            Console.Out.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Do you want to calaculate another employee's weekly pay?")
            Console.Out.Write("Enter Y for yes and N for no:  ")
            runReply = Console.In.ReadLine()


        Loop Until runReply = n

        Console.Out.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "*******************************" & vbCrLf)

    End Sub

End Module

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