私は似たようなものを探していて、これを見つけました: http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/497/
from django import newforms as forms
class SeparatedValuesField(forms.Field):
A Django newforms field which takes another newforms field during
initialization and validates every item in a separated list with
this field class. Please use it like this::
from django.newforms import EmailField
emails = SeparatedValuesField(EmailField)
You would be able to enter a string like 'john@doe.com,guido@python.org'
because every email address would be validated when clean() is executed.
This of course also applies to any other Field class.
You can define the sepator (default: ',') during initialization with the
``separator`` parameter like this::
from django.newforms import EmailField
emails = SeparatedValuesField(EmailField, separator='###')
If validation succeeds it returns the original data, though the already
splitted value list can be accessed with the get_list() method.
>>> f = SeparatedValuesField(forms.EmailField)
>>> f.clean('foo@bar.com,bar@foo.com')
>>> f.get_list()
['foo@bar.com', 'bar@foo.com']
>>> f.clean('foobar,foo@bar.com,bar@foo.com')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: <unprintable ValidationError object>
>>> u = SeparatedValuesField(forms.URLField)
>>> u.clean('http://foo.bar.com,http://foobar.com')
>>> u.clean('http:foo.bar.com')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: <unprintable ValidationError object>
>>> f = SeparatedValuesField(forms.EmailField, separator='###')
>>> f.clean('foo@bar.com###bar@foo.com')
>>> f.clean('foobar###foo@bar.com###bar@foo.com')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: <unprintable ValidationError object>
def __init__(self, base_field=None, separator=',', *args, **kwargs):
super(SeparatedValuesField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.base_field = base_field
self.separator = separator
def clean(self, data):
if not data:
raise forms.ValidationError('Enter at least one value.')
self.value_list = data.split(self.separator)
if self.base_field is not None:
base_field = self.base_field()
for value in self.value_list:
return data
def get_list(self):
return self.value_list
def _test():
import doctest
if __name__ == "__main__":
ただし、完全に満足できるわけではありません。たとえば、電子メールのリストの場合、1 つの電子メールのみが無効な場合、フィールド全体が無効になります。
ValidationError をまったくスローするのではなく、有効な「base_fields」のみを返すように clean メソッドを書き直すことができます。