-- Declare some xml
declare @xml xml = '<clientesxml xmlns="">
-- Shred the xml
;with xmlnamespaces (default '')
select x.Record.value('idsku[1]', 'int') as idsku
, x.Record.value('entregado[1]', 'int') as entregado
from @xml.nodes('//clientesxml/final') as x (Record)
-- Shred and insert the xml into a new temp table
;with xmlnamespaces (default '')
select x.Record.value('idsku[1]', 'int') as idsku
, x.Record.value('entregado[1]', 'int') as entregado
into #tempTable
from @xml.nodes('//clientesxml/final') as x (Record)
-- Shred and insert the xml into an existing temp table
;with xmlnamespaces (default '')
insert into #tempTable (idsku, entregado)
select x.Record.value('idsku[1]', 'int') as idsku
, x.Record.value('entregado[1]', 'int') as entregado
from @xml.nodes('//clientesxml/final') as x (Record)