また、変数「パルス」に時間範囲を使用するように指示されていますが、メインスクリプトから入力を受け取り、送信する関数には、時間範囲(変数のようで、固定されていないようです)の入力がありません。 ode45関数の他の関数と同じです。ode45にフィードする関数にも時間入力がありますが、時間範囲を入力する方法がわかりません。指示は、メインスクリプトで使用される関数が時間変数を受け取らないことを非常に明確にしています。
Error using ODEequation (line 89)
Not enough input arguments.
Error in odearguments (line 88)
f0 = feval(ode,t0,y0,args{:}); % ODE15I sets args{1} to yp0.
Error in ode45 (line 114)
[neq, tspan, ntspan, next, t0, tfinal, tdir, y0, f0, odeArgs, odeFcn, ...
Error in ODEquestion (line 32)
[t Vm]=ode45(@ODEequation,[-20 20],[-30, 0.1]',[],constants, stim_on, stim_off, amp);
Error in YoonS_Lab3_EBME308_Fall2012 (line 355)
[t Vm] = ODEquestion(20,100,30)
Cm * dVm / dt = -Gm(Vm-Vrest) - Gca Minf (Vm - Eca) - Gk w(Vm - Ek) + pulse(t)
dw/dt = (wInf - w) / Tau-w;
wInf = (1+tanh(Vm/30)) / 2;
mInf = (1+tanh(Vm+1)) / 2;
Tau-w = 5/ (cosh(Vm/60));
Cm = membrane leakage capacticance;
Gm = membrane leakage conductance;
Vm = membrane voltage;
Vrest = membrane voltage @ neuron resting
Gca = max Ca conductance through membrane
Gk = max K conductance through membrane;
mInf refers = P ( Ca ion channel open )
wInf refers = P ( K ion channel open )
Tau-w = rate which K channels respond to change in membrane voltage
Eca = reversal potential of Ca
Ek = reversal potential of K
pulse(t) = stimulus applied to neuron
pulse(t) = A (stim-on <= t <= stim-off) or 0 (else);
function dy = ODEequation(t, Vm, w, constants, stim_on, stim_off, amp)
wInf = (1 + tan(Vm / 30)) / 2
mInf = (1 + tan((Vm + 1)/ 15)) / 2
tauW = 5/ (cosh(Vm/60))
pulse = amp * ((stim_on < t ) - ( t >= stim_off));
dy(1) = y(1) * ((-constants(2) - constants(4) * constants(9) - constants(5) * y(2)) + (constants(2) * constants(3) + constants(6) * constants(4) * constants(9) + constants(5) * y(2) * constants(7) + constants(11))) / constants(1) ;
dy(2) = = ( constants(8) - y(2) )/constants(10)
dy = dy'
function [t Vm] = ODEquestion(stim_on, stim_off, amp)
Cm = 1;
Gm = 0.5;
Vrest = -50;
Gca = 1.1;
Gk = 2;
Eca = 100;
Ek = -70;
Vm(1) = -30;
w(1) = 0.1;
wInf = (1 + tan(Vm / 30)) / 2
mInf = (1 + tan((Vm + 1)/ 15)) / 2
tauW = 5/ (cosh(Vm/60))
IC1 = Vm(1) % = -30
IC2 = w(1) % = 0.1
pulse = amp %* ((stim_on < t ) - ( t >= stim_off));
constants = [Cm , Gm, Vrest, Gca, Gk, Eca, Ek, wInf, mInf, tauW, pulse];
[t Vm]=ode45(@ODEequation,[-20 20],[-30, 0.1]',[],constants, stim_on, stim_off, amp);