


d1 = datetime.datetime(2003, 01, 01)
d2 = datetime.datetime(2008, 01, 01)

symbol_dict = {
        'TOT': 'Total',
        'XOM': 'Exxon',
        'CVX': 'Chevron',
        'COP': 'ConocoPhillips',

symbols, names = np.array(symbol_dict.items()).T

quotes = [finance.quotes_historical_yahoo(symbol, d1, d2, asobject=True)
          for symbol in symbols]

open = np.array([q.open for q in quotes]).astype(np.float)
close = np.array([q.close for q in quotes]).astype(np.float)
  1. 何がquotes返されますか?1株あたりの価格だと理解していますが、次のようになっています。

[rec.array([(datetime.date(2003、1、2)、2003、1、2、731217.0、28.12235692134198、28.5、28.564279672963064、28.09825204398083、12798800.0、28.5)、(datetime.date(2003、1、3) 、2003、1、3、731218.0、28.329084507042257、28.53、28.634476056338034、28.28890140845071、9221900.0、28.53)、(datetime.date(2003、1、6)、2003、1、6、731221.0、28.482778999450247、29.23、29.406761957119297、28.45064046219 11925100.0、29.23)、...、

  1. 自分のデータセットを入力したいのですが。入力できるデータセットの例を教えてくださいquotes




1 に答える 1


finance.quotes_historical_yahoo?ipython で実行すると、次のように表示されます。

In [53]: finance.quotes_historical_yahoo?
Type:       function
String Form:<function quotes_historical_yahoo at 0x10f311d70>
File:       /Users/dvelkov/src/matplotlib/lib/matplotlib/finance.py
Definition: finance.quotes_historical_yahoo(ticker, date1, date2, asobject=False, adjusted=True, cachename=None)
Get historical data for ticker between date1 and date2.  date1 and
date2 are datetime instances or (year, month, day) sequences.

See :func:`parse_yahoo_historical` for explanation of output formats
and the *asobject* and *adjusted* kwargs.

...(more stuff)


In [54]: finance.parse_yahoo_historical?
Type:       function
String Form:<function parse_yahoo_historical at 0x10f996ed8>
File:       /Users/dvelkov/src/matplotlib/lib/matplotlib/finance.py
Definition: finance.parse_yahoo_historical(fh, adjusted=True, asobject=False)
Parse the historical data in file handle fh from yahoo finance.

  If True (default) replace open, close, high, and low prices with
  their adjusted values. The adjustment is by a scale factor, S =
  adjusted_close/close. Adjusted prices are actual prices
  multiplied by S.

  Volume is not adjusted as it is already backward split adjusted
  by Yahoo. If you want to compute dollars traded, multiply volume
  by the adjusted close, regardless of whether you choose adjusted
  = True|False.

  If False (default for compatibility with earlier versions)
  return a list of tuples containing

    d, open, close, high, low, volume

  If None (preferred alternative to False), return
  a 2-D ndarray corresponding to the list of tuples.

  Otherwise return a numpy recarray with

    date, year, month, day, d, open, close, high, low,
    volume, adjusted_close

  where d is a floating poing representation of date,
  as returned by date2num, and date is a python standard
  library datetime.date instance.

  The name of this kwarg is a historical artifact.  Formerly,
  True returned a cbook Bunch
  holding 1-D ndarrays.  The behavior of a numpy recarray is
  very similar to the Bunch.

あなたの場合、あなたが使用してasobject=Trueいるので、あなたが得るフォーマットはdate, year, month, day, d, open, close, high, low, volume, adjusted_close.

于 2012-10-04T22:22:55.590 に答える