
実際、私のブートストラップ ファイルは次のようになります。

$command = "php -f httpdocs/shell/run.php -- -job search/updater::run";
while(true) {

残念ながら、パススルーの後に起こっていることには、いくつかの非常にバグのあるものが含まれており、ライブラリがフリーズすることがあります。while(!feoftick 関数を使用してデバッグしたところ、外部の http リソースを何らかの形で待機していることが判明しました....

ただし、プロセスをディスパッチしたいと思います。while ループが終了するすべてのものがファイルに触れます。






2 に答える 2


少し前に、コマンド ライン スクリプトでストール検出を行いました。いくつかのことが起こる必要があるようです...

1) 実行中のコマンド内に http:// リクエストのタイムアウトを追加します

2) while() ステートメントを使用して監視できます。次のようなものを使用する必要があります。

$stillRunning = true;
while ($stillRunning) {
    exec('ps -ef | grep httpdocs/shell/run.php', $processes); //will get all process which contain the path to the file

    //loop through all processes to determine if it's still running.  If so, grab the process ID and kill it'

    exec('kill '.$processId);

    //if it's still there, this will do the job
    if ($this->_ifProcessExists($processId)) {
        exec('kill -9 '.$processId);



 * GMC Management Class

class GMC {

    private $executablePath = '/usr/local/PNetT/PNetTCNetClient',
            $outPath = '/usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/',
            $workflowPath = '',
            $graphicPath = '',
            $logRecipient = 'my@email.com',
            $stalledThreshold = 10, //in seconds
            $originalProcesses = array(),
            $processes = array(),
            $log = array();

    public function __construct () {
        $this->workflowPath = $this->outPath.'workflows/';
        $this->graphicPath = $this->outPath.'graphics/';

     * Adds an image to the GMC graphics directory
     * @param string $imgPath The absolute path of the image to add
    public function addImage ($imgPath) {
        exec('cp '.$imgPath.' '.$this->graphicPath);

     * Determines if a process is stalled
    public function isStalled ($processes = false) {
        if ($processes === false) {
            $processes = $this->_getProcesses();
            $this->originalProcesses = $processes;

        foreach ($processes as $process) {
            if (array_key_exists('duration', $process) && $process['duration'] <= (time() - $this->stalledThreshold)) {
                $this->_addLog("detected #".$process['processId']." as a stalled process");
                return true;

        return false;

     * Fixes GMC's being stalled
     * Will also report the document that caused the stall
    public function fixStalled () {


     * Sends the log to the development team for review
    public function reportLog () {
        $body = "Here's a report how GMC was handled during this last stall:

Oldest process:\n
        ID | COMMAND\n";

        $oldest = $this->_getOldestProcess();
        $body .= "        ".$oldest['processId']." | ".$oldest['command']."\n";

        $body .= "

        foreach ($this->log as $log) {
            $body .= "        ".$log."\n";

        $body .= "
        ID | COMMAND\n";

        foreach ($this->processes as $process) {
            $body .= "        ".$process['processId']." | ".$process['command']."\n";

        mail($this->logRecipient, 'GMC Stalled Report', $body);

     * Restarts GMC
     * Must be conducted after GMC's stalled processes have been killed
    private function _restart () {
        //kill all GMC processes
        foreach ($this->_getProcesses(true) as $process) {

        //restart GMC
        exec('bash /usr/local/PNetT/pnet.sh');

        $this->_addLog("GMC has been restarted");

     * Restarts GMC
     * Must be conducted after GMC's stalled processes have been killed
    private function _getOldestProcess () {
        $oldest = array(
            'timestamp' => 0,
            'processId' => 0
        foreach ($this->_getProcesses() as $process) {
            if ($process['user'] == 'wwwuser' && $process['duration'] > $oldest['timestamp']) {
                $oldest = array(
                    'timestamp' => $process['duration'],
                    'processId' => $process['processId']

        return $this->processes[$oldest['processId']];

     * Get a list of all GMC processes
    private function _getProcesses ($newList = false) {
        if ($newList == true || count($this->processes) == 0) {
            //exec('ps -ef | grep GMC', $processes);
            //sample processes for testing, above command is for live usage
            $processes = array(
                'ps -ef | grep GMC',
                'wwwuser   1767 31199  0 12:40 ?        00:00:00 /scripts/GMC/PNetT-5.1-SP1/PNetTCNetClient.bin -o /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/workflows/master_ppo_sob_3col.wfd -e PDF -f /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/Master PPO-LP2069 Solution PPO 1500-15-20 MOCKUP_temp.pdf -useincluded * -difDataInput1 /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/Master PPO-LP2069 Solution PPO 1500-15-20 MOCKUP.txt -difDataInput2 /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/Master PPO-LP2069 Solution PPO 1500-15-20 MOCKUP-table.txt',
                'wwwuser   2364  1207  0 12:41 ?        00:00:00 /scripts/GMC/PNetT-5.1-SP1/PNetTCNetClient.bin -o /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/workflows/master_ppo_sob_3col.wfd -e PDF -f /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/Master PPO-LP2045 mock up_temp.pdf -useincluded * -difDataInput1 /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/Master PPO-LP2045 mock up.txt -difDataInput2 /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/Master PPO-LP2045 mock up-table.txt',
                'wwwuser   2465  2378  0 12:42 ?        00:00:00 /scripts/GMC/PNetT-5.1-SP1/PNetTCNetClient.bin -o /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/workflows/master_ppo_sob_3col.wfd -e PDF -f /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/Master PPO-PBARR Test 12-20_temp.pdf -useincluded * -difDataInput1 /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/Master PPO-PBARR Test 12-20.txt -difDataInput2 /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/Master PPO-PBARR Test 12-20-table.txt',
                'wwwuser  19370  7900  0 13:17 ?        00:00:00 /scripts/GMC/PNetT-5.1-SP1/PNetTCNetClient.bin -o /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/workflows/master_ppo_sob_3col.wfd -e PDF -f /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/Master PPO-LP2069_temp.pdf -useincluded * -difDataInput1 /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/Master PPO-LP2069.txt -difDataInput2 /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/Master PPO-LP2069-table.txt',
                'root     19948 19508  0 13:18 pts/6    00:00:00 grep GMC',
                'wwwuser  26685 17061  0 12:25 ?        00:00:00 /scripts/GMC/PNetT-5.1-SP1/PNetTCNetClient.bin -o /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/workflows/diff_report.wfd -e PDF -f /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/Master PPO-LP2069 Solution PPO 1500-15-20 MOCKUP_differences.pdf -useincluded * -difDataInput1 /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/Master PPO-LP2069 Solution PPO 1500-15-20 MOCKUP-report.txt -difDataInput2 /usr/local/PNetT/tmpData/SOB/Master PPO-LP2069 Solution PPO 1500-15-20 MOCKUP-table-report.txt',
                'root     32017     1 89 May03 ?        12-18:02:22 /scripts/GMC/PNetT-5.1-SP1/PNetTNetServer.bin -tempdir /usr/local/GMC/PNetT-5.1-SP1/tmpData -D'

            $this->processes = array();
            foreach ($processes as $idx => $process) {
                if ($idx > 1) {
                    $pieces = preg_split("/\s+/", $process, 8);

                    //skip the grep filter process
                    if ($pieces[7] != 'grep GMC') {
                        $this->processes[$pieces[1]] = array(
                            'user' => $pieces[0],
                            'processId' => $pieces[1],
                            'duration' => strtotime($pieces[4]),
                            'command' => $pieces[7]

        return $this->processes;

     * Kills a process
     * @param int $processId The process to be killed
    private function _killProcess ($processId) {
        exec('kill '.$processId);

        //if it's still there, this will do the job
        if ($this->_ifProcessExists($processId)) {
            exec('kill -9 '.$processId);

            $this->_addLog("process #".$processId." wasn't nicely killed, I had to force it");
        } else {
            $this->_addLog("process #".$processId." was nicely killed");

     * Determines if a process is still running
     * @param int $processId The process to be checked
    private function _ifProcessExists ($processId) {
        exec('ps '.$processId, $return);

        return count($return) > 1;

     * Adds a message to the log
    private function _addLog ($message) {
        $this->log[] = $message;

于 2012-10-05T12:41:33.657 に答える





feof($ fp);を返します。}

/ * $ fpが以前にfsockopen()によって開かれたと仮定します* /

$ start = NULL; $ timeout = ini_get('default_socket_timeout');

while(!safe_feof($ fp、$ start)&&(microtime(true)-$ start)<$ timeout){/*ハンドル*/}?>

于 2012-10-09T15:41:53.813 に答える