/*This program is named derivativeQuiz.java, stored on a network drive I have permission to edit
The actual code starts below this line (with the first import statement) */
import java.util.Random;
import java.Math.*;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public static void derivativeQuiz(String args[])
// a bunch of code
--------------------Configuration: <Default>--------------------
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:4: class, interface, or enum expected
public static void derivativeQuiz(String args[])
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:9: class, interface, or enum expected
int maxCoef = 15;
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:10: class, interface, or enum expected
int question = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please enter the number of questions you wish to test on: "));
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:11: class, interface, or enum expected
int numExp = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please enter the maximum exponent allowed (up to 5 supported):" ));
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:12: class, interface, or enum expected
Random random = new Random();
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:13: class, interface, or enum expected
int coeff;
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:14: class, interface, or enum expected
String equation = "";
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:15: class, interface, or enum expected
String deriv = "";
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:16: class, interface, or enum expected
for(int z = 0; z <= question; z++)
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:16: class, interface, or enum expected
for(int z = 0; z <= question; z++)
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:16: class, interface, or enum expected
for(int z = 0; z <= question; z++)
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:19: class, interface, or enum expected
deriv = "";
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:20: class, interface, or enum expected
if(numExp >= 5)
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:23: class, interface, or enum expected
equation = coeff + "X^5 + ";
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:24: class, interface, or enum expected
deriv = coeff*5 + "X^4 + ";
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:25: class, interface, or enum expected
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:29: class, interface, or enum expected
equation = equation + coeff + "X^4 + ";
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:30: class, interface, or enum expected
deriv = deriv + coeff*4 + "X^3 + ";
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:31: class, interface, or enum expected
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:35: class, interface, or enum expected
equation = equation + coeff + "X^3 + ";
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:36: class, interface, or enum expected
deriv = deriv + coeff*3 + "X^2 + ";
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:37: class, interface, or enum expected
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:41: class, interface, or enum expected
equation = equation + coeff + "X^2 + ";
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:42: class, interface, or enum expected
deriv = deriv + coeff*2 + "X + ";
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:43: class, interface, or enum expected
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:47: class, interface, or enum expected
equation = equation + coeff + "X + ";
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:48: class, interface, or enum expected
deriv = deriv + coeff;
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:49: class, interface, or enum expected
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:53: class, interface, or enum expected
equation = equation + coeff;
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:54: class, interface, or enum expected
if(deriv == "")
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:57: class, interface, or enum expected
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:114: class, interface, or enum expected
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Question " + z + "\\" + question + "\nDerivative: " + deriv);
H:\Derivative quiz\derivativeQuiz.java:115: class, interface, or enum expected
33 errors
Process completed.
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.lang.String;
public class derivativeQuiz_source{
public static void main(String args[])
//a bunch more code