をデバッグする方法は何ですか? badaWAC
1 に答える
You can accomplish this on your desktop browser, which offers a richer set of debugging tools, such as Chrome’s Developer Tools. This is where PhoneGap Emulation steps-in.
With your Google Chrome desktop browser, you can emulate PhoneGap’s JavaScript APIs. This includes everything from the deviceready event to navigator.device.capture to your custom plugins. By leveraging your desktop browser, you can speed up your initial development process and quickly debug the DOM, JavaScript, and resource loading.
It’s important to understand that PhoneGap Emulation only applies to JavaScript. While the emulator will use a device skin, it cannot emulate the rendering capabilities of a specific mobile platform browser.
ブラウザから JavaScript にステップ インしてデバッグするだけの場合は、Google のデバッグ ツールのように機能するこのツールを使用して簡単に実行できます。