IEquatable インターフェイスを実装する OrderDto クラスがあります。データベースから OrderDto オブジェクトとして取得された注文のリストがあります。このリストはエンド ユーザーによって編集されます... 新しいオブジェクトを追加します。既存のオブジェクトを削除します。既存のオブジェクトの編集。以下を決定する必要があります。
- リスト内の新しいオブジェクト。
- リスト内の削除されたオブジェクト。
- リスト内の編集済みオブジェクト。
これら 3 つの目標について説明するために、次のコードにコメントしました。最初の 2 つは些細なことですが、リストの 3 番目の項目は非常に厄介です。linqを使用して作成できないようです。正しい方向に向けて微調整していただければ幸いです。詳細については、次のコードを参照してください。
// Get the original list of OrderDtos before the user did anything.
var entityOrders = Mapper.Map<IList<OrderEntity>, IList<OrderDto>>(entity.Orders.ToList());
// dto.Orders is a parameter that is being used in this code. It is the list of OrderDto
// objects that the user has modified: Insert, edit, delete.
// Works properly to locate items that were deleted.
var deletedOrders = entityOrders.Except(dto.Orders);
// Works properly to locate items that were added.
var addedOrders = dto.Orders.Except(entityOrders);
// Determine the list of order objects less new orders in the list.
// The user has already deleted objects, so we don't have to worry
// about them. This list will contain only items that MAY have
// been edited.
var potentialChanges = dto.Orders.Except(addedOrders);
// ARGGG! I cannot seem to get this one to work properly! As you can see in the
// definition of the OrderDto, it implements the IEquatable interface. So, it
// should be very easy to determine which items in the dto.Orders list have been
// edited as opposed to the original version in the entityOrders list. What I
// would like to have is a list of all the OrderDto objects in the dto.Orders list
// that have been modified. Since OrderDto implements IEquatable, we should be able
// to compare OrderDto objects directly, but I have not been able get it to work.
// Please helP! :)
var changedOrders =
from dtoOrder in potentialChanges
let entityOrder = entityOrders.First(x => x.OrderId == dtoOrder.OrderId)
where entityOrder != null && !dtoOrder.Equals(entityOrder)
select dtoOrder;
これが OrderDto クラスの定義です...
public class OrderDto : IEquatable<OrderDto>
public long OrderId { get; set; }
public string DisplayAs { get; set; }
#region IEquatable
public override int GetHashCode()
// Populate with all fields so
// we can detect when an entity
// has been edited.
(int) OrderId ^
public override bool Equals(object other)
return this.Equals(other as OrderDto);
public bool Equals(OrderDto other)
// Populate with all fields so
// we can detect when an entity
// has been edited.
other != null &&
other.OrderId == this.OrderId &&
other.DisplayAs == this.DisplayAs