Table Gift:
Table Couple:
table registry: //provide a many-many relation between gifts and couples
table purchase:
特定のカップルのすべてのギフト情報を取得する SQL クエリを既に作成しました
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('g') //gift
->from('\BBB\GiftBundle\Entity\Registry', 'reg')
->select('g.id , g.price')
->where('reg.gift = g.id')
->andWhere('reg.couple = :coupleID')
->setParameter('coupleID', $coupleID);
SELECT g.id , g.price,
FROM gift g, registry reg
WHERE reg.gift_id = g.id AND reg.couple_id = 1
また、購入したギフト (ある場合)
EX の合計金額も取得したいと考えています。私が試したtotalContributeとしてのSUM(purchase.amount)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('g')
->from('\BBB\GiftBundle\Entity\Purchase', 'p')
->from('\BBB\GiftBundle\Entity\Registry', 'reg')
->select('g.id , g.price')
->addSelect('SUM(p.amount) as totalContribute')
->leftJoin('p','pp', 'ON','reg.id = pp.registry')
->where('reg.gift = g.id')
->andWhere('reg.couple = :coupleID')
->setParameter('coupleID', $coupleID);
[Semantical Error] line 0, col 145 near 'pp ON reg.id': Error: Identification Variable p used in join path expression but was not defined before.