
os.walks がデータを収集する小さなアプリがあります。それが機能している間、「処理中」というテキストを含むエントリウィジェットを配置し、歩行が完了したらそれを「完了」に変更するとよいと思いました。


def do_search():

txtProgress.insert(0, "Processing Data")

print 'do_search called'

arrayOfDirectories = [] # Store the categories here
global path
print  'The value for path = ' + path # Delete this in final
searchpath = path
print  'The value for searchpath = ' + searchpath # Delete this in final

for (searchpath, directories, files) in os.walk(searchpath):
    for directory in directories:
        arrayOfDirectories.append(directory) # Create an array or dirs to use for the categories

id = 1
finalJSON = '['

for eachDirectory in arrayOfDirectories:
    readpath = os.path.join(path, eachDirectory, 'URLS') # Grab each list of URLs
    print('readpath = ' + readpath)

    if os.path.exists(readpath):
        file = open(readpath) # Open the list of URLs
        for lines in file: # Step through each URL in turn

            ruleString = '{"id":' + str(id) + ',"enabled":true, "category":"' + eachDirectory + '","description":"' + lines + '","flagged":true,"string":"' + lines + '","name":"","javaClass":"com.untangle.uvm.node.GenericRule","blocked":true}'
            finalJSON = finalJSON + ruleString # Create a rule and add it to the final string
            id = id + 1 # Increment the id after each rule
        file.close() # Close the file when all have been read




2 に答える 2


つまり、プログラムにそれを表示する機会を与えることは決してありません。画面の再描画は再描画イベントの結果としてのみ発生するため、イベント ループがそのイベントを処理する機会がない限り、何も表示されません。これは Tkinter に固有のものではありません。すべての GUI ツールキットがこのように機能します。


最善の解決策は、プログラムをリファクタリングして、長時間実行される作業を別のスレッドまたはプロセスで実行するか、イベント ループの反復ごとに一度に 1 つずつ実行できるチャンクに作業を分割することです。

于 2012-10-14T12:37:18.233 に答える

このプロジェクトに最後の仕上げを加えるだけです。私は Bryan の両方の提案を適用し、.update_idletasks() メソッドとスレッド化を使用しました。最終的なコードは目的どおりに機能し、次のようになります。

from Tkinter import *
import os
import threading
from tkFileDialog import askdirectory

# Put the grunt stuff up here       #
def loadpath():

    print 'loadpath called'
    global path
    path = askdirectory()
    txtPath.delete(0, END)
    txtPath.insert(0, path)

def update_the_status():
    txtProgress.insert(0, "Processing Data")

def do_the_search():
    print 'do_search called'

    arrayOfDirectories = [] # Store the categories here
    global path
    print  'The value for path = ' + path # Delete this in final
    searchpath = path
    print  'The value for searchpath = ' + searchpath # Delete this in final

    for (searchpath, directories, files) in os.walk(searchpath):
        for directory in directories:
           arrayOfDirectories.append(directory) # Create an array or dirs to use for the categories

    id = 1
    finalJSON = '['
    for eachDirectory in arrayOfDirectories:
        readpath = os.path.join(path, eachDirectory, 'URLS') # Grab each list of URLs
        print('readpath = ' + readpath)

    if os.path.exists(readpath):
        file = open(readpath) # Open the list of URLs
        for lines in file: # Step through each URL in turn

            ruleString = '{"id":' + str(id) + ',"enabled":true, "category":"' + eachDirectory + '","description":"' + lines + '","flagged":true,"string":"' + lines + '","name":"","javaClass":"com.untangle.uvm.node.GenericRule","blocked":true}'
            finalJSON = finalJSON + ruleString # Create a rule and add it to the final string
            id = id + 1 # Increment the id after each rule
        file.close() # Close the file when all have been read

finalJSON = finalJSON + ']' # Close the JSON array

outputPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), 'Blacklist.json')
print('Output path = ' + outputPath)

outputFile = open(outputPath, 'w')
txtProgress.insert(0,"Process Complete")

def do_search():

    WriteThread = threading.Thread(target=update_the_status())
    CalcThread = threading.Thread(target=do_the_search())

def do_quit():
    print 'do_quit called'

#       Build the interface         #

#  Some global variables
path = ''

#  Create the application window and give it a title.
main  = Tk()
main.title('Blacklist JSON array builder')

#  Populate the window with widgets.
lbSpace1 = Label(main, text='')
lbSpace1.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3)

lbDesc = Message(main, width=800, text='After you have unzipped the .tar file select the blacklist folder \nthat has been created using the browse button. Then click start.  The Blacklist.json \nfile will be created in the same directory as the Blacklist folder.')
lbDesc.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=4, pady=10)

lbPath = Label(main, text='Directory')
lbPath.grid(row=2, column=0, pady=10)

txtPath = Entry(main, width=50)
txtPath.grid(row=2, column=1)

pbPath = Button(main, text='Browse', command=loadpath)
pbPath.grid(row=2, column=2)

lbSpace2 = Label(main, text='')
lbSpace2.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=3)

pbStart = Button(main, text='Begin', command=do_search)
pbStart.grid(row=4, column=1, sticky=W, pady=20)

pbQuit = Button(main, text='Quit', command=do_quit)
pbQuit.grid(row=4, column=2, sticky=W)

lbSpace3 = Label(main, text='')
lbSpace3.grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=3)

txtProgress = Entry(main, width=50)
txtProgress.grid(row=6, column=1)



于 2012-10-22T11:17:20.057 に答える