pygooglevoice を利用してメッセージを受信し、ID を使用してすぐに削除しようとしていますが、わかりdelete()
ドキュメントは次のとおりです: :
from googlevoice import Voice
from googlevoice.util import input
import sys, BeautifulSoup
voice = Voice()
def sendTextMessage(phoneNumber,text):
voice.send_sms(phoneNumber, text)
return 0
def extractsms(htmlsms):
extractsms -- extract SMS messages from BeautifulSoup tree of Google Voice SMS HTML.
Output is a list of dictionaries, one per message.
msgitems = [] # accum message items here
# Extract all conversations by searching for a DIV with an ID at top level.
tree = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(htmlsms) # parse HTML into tree
conversations = tree.findAll("div",attrs={"id" : True},recursive=False)
for conversation in conversations :
# For each conversation, extract each row, which is one SMS message.
rows = conversation.findAll(attrs={"class" : "gc-message-sms-row"})
for row in rows : # for all rows
# For each row, which is one message, extract all the fields.
msgitem = {"id" : conversation["id"]} # tag this message with conversation ID
spans = row.findAll("span",attrs={"class" : True}, recursive=False)
for span in spans : # for all spans in row
cl = span["class"].replace('gc-message-sms-', '')
msgitem[cl] = (" ".join(span.findAll(text=True))).strip() # put text in dict
msgitems.append(msgitem) # add msg dictionary to list
return msgitems
for message in extractsms(voice.sms.html):
print message['text']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/Matthew/Desktop/", line 38, in <module>
message['id'].delete() AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'delete'