ただし、約 12 個の関数があり、各ページで同じコードの不特定の数のコピーをコピー/貼り付け/維持する必要があるのは、ばかげています。そこで、ポップアップのコードを取得し、基本クラスから継承する基本クラスに配置しましたLayoutAwarePage
// Base class declaration that includes settings flyout code
public class SettingsFlyoutAwarePage : myApp.Common.LayoutAwarePage
// Settings flyout code here
// Page declaration
public sealed partial class GroupedItemsPage : myApp.Common.SettingsFlyoutAwarePage
// Standard working page stuff here
これはサンプル コードと同じですが、実際SettingsFlyoutAwarePage
void onSettingsCommand(IUICommand command)
// Create a Popup window which will contain our flyout.
settingsPopup = new Popup();
settingsPopup.Closed += OnPopupClosed;
Window.Current.Activated += OnWindowActivated;
settingsPopup.IsLightDismissEnabled = true;
settingsPopup.Width = settingsWidth;
settingsPopup.Height = windowBounds.Height;
// Add the proper animation for the panel.
settingsPopup.ChildTransitions = new TransitionCollection();
settingsPopup.ChildTransitions.Add(new PaneThemeTransition()
Edge = (SettingsPane.Edge == SettingsEdgeLocation.Right) ?
EdgeTransitionLocation.Right :
// Create a SettingsFlyout the same dimenssions as the Popup.
SettingsFlyout mypane = new SettingsFlyout();
mypane.Width = settingsWidth;
mypane.Height = windowBounds.Height;
// Place the SettingsFlyout inside our Popup window.
settingsPopup.Child = mypane;
// Let's define the location of our Popup.
settingsPopup.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, SettingsPane.Edge == SettingsEdgeLocation.Right ? (windowBounds.Width - settingsWidth) : 0);
settingsPopup.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, 0);
settingsPopup.IsOpen = true;