ます。numpy documentationにあるndarrayをサブクラス化するためのガイドに従っています。これが私のコードです:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
class InfoIndex(pd.core.index.Index):
def __new__(subtype, data, info=None):
# Create the ndarray instance of our type, given the usual
# ndarray input arguments. This will call the standard
# ndarray constructor, but return an object of our type.
# It also triggers a call to InfoArray.__array_finalize__
obj = pd.core.index.Index.__new__(subtype, data)
# set the new 'info' attribute to the value passed
obj.info = info
# Finally, we must return the newly created object:
return obj
In [2]: I = InfoIndex((3,))
In [3]: I
Out[3]: Int64Index([3])