C++ ループが適切にループしない
警告..C++ プログラミングは初めてです...プレートの温度を出力する 20 x 20 の配列があります。配列内のセルが 0.1 度を超えて変化しなくなるまで、ループを繰り返す必要があります (反復ごとに値を更新します。反復を停止するタイミングを決定するために、配列内の任意のセルの最大の変化をどのように監視しますか?今試してみましたが、以下は正しく出力されません。
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
const int array_size = 20; // set array size and neighbors to calculate rest of cells
const int cell_neighbors = 4;
void initialize(double hot_plate[][array_size]); //functions here
bool writeFile(const double hot_plate[][array_size],
const string file_name);
double sum_cell(const double hot_plate[][array_size],
const int cell_X, const int cell_Y);
double value_cell(const double hot_plate[][array_size],
const int cell_X, const int cell_Y);
int main()
double hot_plate[array_size][array_size];//set variables
initialize(hot_plate); //run function
string file_name = "hot_plate.csv"; //file name for Excel
//repeat until stable
int repeat_until_stable = 1000;
while ( repeat_until_stable > 0)
for (int a = 1; a < array_size - 1; a++)
for (int b = 1; b < array_size - 1; b++)
hot_plate[a][b] = sum_cell(hot_plate, b, a);
if (writeFile(hot_plate, file_name)) //check functionality of the program
cout << "Excel File created\n";
cout << "The Excel file did not write\n";
return 0;
//function definition
double sum_cell(const double hot_plate[][array_size],
const int cell_X, const int cell_Y)
double cell_num = hot_plate[cell_X - 1][cell_Y]; // Top
cell_num += hot_plate[cell_X][cell_Y - 1]; // Left
cell_num += hot_plate[cell_X][cell_Y + 1]; // Right
cell_num += hot_plate[cell_X + 1][cell_Y]; // Bottom
cell_num /= cell_neighbors; // find average of the 4 values closest to cell
return cell_num;
// setup the array so all values are defined
void initialize(double hot_plate[][array_size])
for (int a = 0; a < array_size; a++)
for (int b = 0; b < array_size; b++)
if (a == 0 || a == array_size - 1)
if (b == 0 || b == array_size - 1)
hot_plate[a][b] = 0.0;
hot_plate[a][b] = 100.0;
hot_plate[a][b] = 0.0;
double value_cell(const double hot_plate[][array_size],
const int cell_X, const int cell_Y)
double cell_value = hot_plate[cell_X][cell_Y]; // cell value
return cell_value;
// Write the data to the Excel CSV file
bool writeFile(const double hot_plate[][array_size],
const string file_name)
// open the excel file
ofstream fout(file_name);
if (fout.fail())
return false;
for (int a = 0; a < array_size; a++)
for (int b = 0; b < array_size; b++)
fout << hot_plate[a][b];
if ( b < array_size - 1)
fout << ", ";
else if (a != array_size - 1)
fout << endl;
// close the input stream from the file.
return true;