-- 111,327 GSU users are NOT listed as a CSS new user
-- 1,488 GSU users ARE listed as a new user in CSS
select count(gup.user_id)
from gsu.user_profile gup
join (select cud.user_id, cud.new_user_id, cud.user_type_code
from css.user_desc cud) cudsubq
on gup.user_id = cudsubq.user_id
where gup.user_id not in (select cud.new_user_id
from css.user_desc cud
where cud.new_user_id is not null);
-- This gives me 1,505 users... I've checked, and they are not
-- referenced as new_user_ids in CSS, but I don't know why the ones
-- that were excluded were excluded.
-- Where are the missing 109,822, and whatexcluded them?
select count(gup.user_id)
from gsu.user_profile gup
join (select cud.user_id, cud.new_user_id, cud.user_type_code
from css.user_desc cud) cudsubq
on gup.user_id = cudsubq.user_id
where gup.user_id not in (cudsubq.new_user_id);
注 上記のクエリは、私が本当に求めているものを単純化したものです。上記のクエリを実行する他の/より良い方法があります...それらは私に問題を与えているクエリの部分の単なる代表です。