import time
# ...
def irc_unknown(self, prefix, command, params):
"""Handle packets that aren't handled by the library."""
# Prefix: asimov.freenode.net
# Command: RPL_BANLIST
# Params: ['MCBans_Testing', '#mcbans-test', 'a!*@*', 'gdude2002!g@unaffiliated/gdude2002', '1330592882']
self.runHook("unknownMessage", {"prefix": prefix, "command": command, "params": params})
if command == "RPL_BANLIST":
channel = params[1]
mask = params[2]
owner = params[3]
time = params[4]
if channel not in self.banlist.keys():
done = {"done": False, "total": 1}
banmask = {"owner": owner.split("!")[0], "ownerhost": owner, "time": time, "mask": mask,
"channel": channel}
done[mask] = banmask
self.banlist[channel] = done
if not self.banlist[channel]["done"]:
banmask = {"owner": owner.split("!")[0], "ownerhost": owner, "time": time, "mask": mask,
"channel": channel}
self.banlist[channel][mask] = banmask
self.banlist[channel]["total"] += 1
done = {"done": False, "total": 1}
banmask = {"owner": owner.split("!")[0], "ownerhost": owner, "time": time, "mask": mask,
"channel": channel}
done[mask] = banmask
self.banlist[channel] = done
elif command == "RPL_ENDOFBANLIST":
channel = params[1]
if channel in self.banlist.keys():
self.banlist[channel]["done"] = True
self.banlist[channel] = {"done": True, "total": 0}
self.prnt("|= Got %s bans for %s." % (self.banlist[channel]["total"], channel))
if self.is_op(channel, self.nickname):
stuff = self.banlist[channel].keys()
for element in stuff:
if stuff == "*!*@*":
self.send_raw("KICK %s %s :Do not set such ambiguous bans!" % (
channel, self.banlist[channel][element]["owner"]))
self.send_raw("MODE %s -b *!*@*" % channel)
"MODE %s +b *!*@%s" % (channel, self.banlist[channel][element]["ownerhost"].split("@")[1]))
self.checkban(channel, element, self.banlist[channel][element]["owner"])
elif command == "RPL_NAMREPLY":
me, status, channel, names = params
users = names.split()
ranks = "+%@&~"
if not channel in self.chanlist.keys():
self.chanlist[channel] = {}
for element in users:
rank = ""
for part in ranks:
if part in element:
rank = rank + part
element = element.strip(part)
done = { 'server': prefix,
'status': rank,
'last_time': float( time.time() - 0.25 ) }
self.chanlist[channel][element] = done
print "Names for %s%s: %s" % (status, channel, names)
elif command == "RPL_ENDOFNAMES":
me, channel, message = params
ops = 0
voices = 0
opers = 0
aways = 0
for element in self.chanlist[channel].values():
status = element["status"]
if "+" in status:
voices += 1
if "@" in status:
ops += 1
if "*" in status:
opers += 1
if "G" in status:
aways += 1
print("|= %s users on %s (%s voices, %s ops, %s opers, %s away)" % (
len(self.chanlist[channel]), channel, voices, ops, opers, aways))
print "[%s] (%s) %s" % (prefix, command, params)
print "[%s] (%s) %s" % (prefix, command, params)
File "C:\Users\Gareth\Documents\GitHub\McBlockit---Helpbot\system\irc.py", line 1422, in irc_unknown
done = {"server": prefix, "status": rank, "last_time": float(time.time() - 0.25)}
exceptions.UnboundLocalError: local variable 'time' referenced before assignment