Display.java というクラスで、次のコードを理解しようとしています。

    Map<String,Object> context = (Map<String,Object>) globalSession.get("cascadas.ace.context");
    if(context != null) {
      dresscode = (String) context.get("dresscode");
      hobby = (String) context.get("hobby");
    if ((hobby == null) || (dresscode == null)) {
        SystemConfiguration.getInstance().getLog().warning("Advertisement display: dresscode and/or hobby not available, no image will be displayed.");

何が起こっているかというと、ドレス コードと趣味の両方のラジオ ボタンを選択できる GUI ウィンドウがあるということです。しかし、どういうわけか、プログラムテキストに別のダミーラジオボタンを追加すると( Display.java と同じフォルダーにある ContextSimulatorGUI というクラスで、GUIウィンドウも表示されません..、コンソールに次のように表示されます:

Advertisement display: dresscode and/or hobby not available, no image will be displayed."


/* * ACE Autonomic Toolkit * (別名 CASCADAS ACE Toolkit) * * CASCADAS プロジェクト ワーク パッケージ 1 によって作成: * - ブダペスト工科経済大学 * - Fraunhofer Institut FOKUS * - Telecom Italia Labs * - カッセル大学 * - カッセル大学モデナとレッジョ エミリア * * 詳細については、以下を参照してください。 * - http://acetoolkit.sourceforge.net

 *  - http://cascadas-project.org
 * The authors would like to acknowledge the European Commission 
 * for funding the Integrated Project CASCADAS Component-ware for 
 * Autonomic, Situation-aware Communications, And Dynamically 
 * Adaptable Services (FET Proactive Initiative, IST-2004-2.3.4 
 * Situated and Autonomic Communications) within the 6th IST Framework 
 * Program. The authors also wish to thank other project Partners for 
 * the fruitful cooperation within the project.

package cascadas.ace.session;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Map;

 * Interface describing the session context.
// TODO: use generics for type safety stuff?
public interface Session extends Serializable {

         * Returns the name of the SessionContext.
         * @return the name
        public String getName();

         * Removes the key-value pair from the session.
         * @param key param name
        public void remove(String key);

         * Returns the current state.
         * @return curretn state
//        public State getState(); 

         * Sets the current state.
         * @param s the state
 //       public void setState(State s);

         * Returns the contract with the specified id.
         * @param contract id
         * @return contract
         * @throws SessionContextNotFoundException if contract is not found
//        public Contract getContract(String id) throws SessionNotFoundException; 

         * Adds a contract with the given id. Id must be unique.
         * @param s the state
//        public void addContract(String id, Contract c);

         * Returns all contracts.
         * @return id-->contract map
//        public Map<String,Contract> getAllContracts();

         * Puts a piece of data to the session context.
         * Overwrites existing data with teh same name.
         * @param id name of the data
         * @param value value of the data
        public void put( String id, Object value ) throws SessionException;

         * Puts an integer value into the session context.
         * @param id name
         * @param value value
        public void put ( String id, int        value );

         * Puts a double value into the session context.
         * @param id name
         * @param value value
        public void put ( String id, double     value );

         * Puts a float into the session context.
         * @param id name
         * @param value value
       public void put ( String id, float      value );

         * Puts a long value into the session context.
         * @param id name
         * @param value value
        public void put ( String id, long       value );

         * Puts a short value into the session context.
         * @param id name
         * @param value value
        public void put ( String id, short      value );

         * Puts a char into the session context.
         * @param id name
         * @param value value
        public void put ( String id, char       value );

         * Puts a boolean value into the session context.
         * @param id name
         * @param value value
        public void put ( String id, boolean    value );

         * Returns the matching data from the session context.
         * @param id name of the data
         * @return the data as an Object or null if not found
        public Object get (String id) ;

         * Returns the matching data from the session context.
         * @param id name of the data
         * @throws cascadas.ace.reasoner.SessionContextException 
         *              if an error occurs
         * @return the data as an integer or 0 if not found
        public int getInt ( String id) throws SessionException;

         * Returns the matching data from the session context.
         * @param id name of the data
         * @throws cascadas.ace.reasoner.SessionContextException 
         *              if an error occurs
         * @return the data as a double
        public double getDouble ( String id) throws SessionException;

         * Returns the matching data from the session context.
         * @param id name of the data
         * @throws cascadas.ace.reasoner.SessionContextException 
         *              if an error occurs
         * @return the data as a float
        public float getFloat ( String id) throws SessionException;

         * Returns the matching data from the session context.
         * @param id name of the data
         * @throws cascadas.ace.reasoner.SessionContextException 
         *              if an error occurs
         * @return the data as a long
        public long getLong ( String id) throws SessionException;

         * Returns the matching data from the session context.
         * @param id name of the data
         * @throws cascadas.ace.reasoner.SessionContextException 
         *              if an error occurs
         * @return the data as a short
        public short getShort ( String id) throws SessionException;

         * Returns the matching data from the session context.
         * @param id name of the data
         * @throws cascadas.ace.reasoner.SessionContextException 
         *              if an error occurs
         * @return the data as a char
        public char getChar ( String id) throws SessionException;

         * Returns the matching data from the session context.
         * @param id name of the data
         * @throws cascadas.ace.reasoner.SessionContextException 
         *              if an error occurs
         * @return the data as a boolean
        public boolean getBoolean ( String id) throws SessionException;

         * Returns the matching data from the session context.
         * @param id name of the data
         * @throws cascadas.ace.reasoner.SessionContextException 
         *              if an error occurs
         * @return the data as a String
        public String getString ( String id) throws SessionException;

         * Returns all data as a set.
         * @return all data in the session context
        public Map<String,Object>  getAllData();

         * Sets the ace name (for debug messages).
         * @param aceName ace name
        public void setAceName(String aceName);





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