問題は、RegEx.test()メソッドを呼び出すと、検証関数が停止して戻り、ポストバックが誤って進行することです。また、「new RegEx()」を使用して正規表現オブジェクトを作成した場合も、同じことが起こります。理由がわからなくなってしまいました。
$(document).ready(function() {
// onsubmit event
function() {
return validation();
// form validation
function validation() {
var validates = true;
var errorString = "";
//var isEmail = new RegEx('^.+@.+\..+$'); // function stops here if line is uncommented and kicks off the postback?
//alert("harro new regex?"); // does not run if above line is uncommented
var isEmail = "/^.+@.+\..+$/"; // this doesn't stop the function
alert("harro isEmail direct regex string assignment"); // runs
var isZipCode = "/^(\d{5}$)|(^\d{5}-\d{4}$)/"; // this doesn't stop the function
alert("harro isZipCode direct regex string assignment"); // runs
if (!$('#firstName').val().trim()) {
validates = false;
errorString += "First Name is blank. <br />";
if (!$('#lastName').val().trim()) {
validates = false;
errorString += "Last Name is blank. <br />";
if (!$('#email').val().trim()) {
validates = false;
errorString += "Email is blank. <br />";
// if this runs the test, the function stops here
else if (!isEmail.test(email.value)) {
validates = false;
errorString += "Please enter a valid email address. <br />";
alert("harro rest of function after email test?")// does not run if "else if" is ran
if (!$('#address').val().trim()) {
validates = false;
errorString += "Address is blank. <br />";
if (!$('#zipCode').val().trim()) {
validates = false;
errorString += "Zipcode is blank. <br />";
// if this runs the test, the function stops here
else if (!isZipCode.test(zipCode.value)) {
validates = false;
errorString += "Please enter a valide zip code. <br />";
alert("harro rest of function after zipcide test?")// does not run if "else if" is ran
if (validates) {
return true;
//output error messages
$('#pageTitle').after("<p id='errorText'>" + errorString + "</p>");
return false;
//reset validation errors
function resetErrors() {