Imagine that I have a camera app where I show a small MapView in one corner showing where is the device located. So I have to extend my activity from a MapActivity to do that.

Then imagine that I want to release my app in a device without Google Apis, like the Kindle, for instance. As the MapActivity does not exist anymore, I should extend from a regular Activity.

I know that I can set

        android:required="false" />

To let the user install the app even if the library is missing. And then use

    try {
        googleMapsEnabled = true;
    } catch( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
        googleMapsEnabled = false;

to check if the MapView class is present or not.

But the problem is the base class that I extend from, it should be Activity instead of MapActivity if Google Maps are not available.

My question is, how can I use the same code to support both options, without duplicating the whole code into different classes depending on the installed libs?


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于 2012-10-24T12:56:30.650 に答える