jruby 1.7.0にアップグレードし、ruby-debugを使用すると、次の出力が得られます。

[INFO] Unable to bind key for unsupported operation: backward-delete-word
[INFO] Unable to bind key for unsupported operation: backward-delete-word
[INFO] Unable to bind key for unsupported operation: down-history
[INFO] Unable to bind key for unsupported operation: up-history
[INFO] Unable to bind key for unsupported operation: up-history
[INFO] Unable to bind key for unsupported operation: down-history
[INFO] Unable to bind key for unsupported operation: up-history
[INFO] Unable to bind key for unsupported operation: down-history
[INFO] Unable to bind key for unsupported operation: up-history
[INFO] Unable to bind key for unsupported operation: down-history
[INFO] Unable to bind key for unsupported operation: up-history
[INFO] Unable to bind key for unsupported operation: down-history



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