After a long time of C-style procedural coding, I am just beginning to 'get' OOP. So I suspect there may be standard way of dealing with the situation I am facing. I have an application with the class hierarchy shown below:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class A {
  virtual int intf() { return 0;} // Only needed by B
  virtual double df() {return 0.0;} // Only needed by C
class B : public A {
  int intf() {return 2;}
  // B objects have no use for df()
class C : public B {
  double df() {return 3.14;}
  // C objects have no use for intf()
int main(){
  // Main needs to instantiate both B and C.
  B b;
  C c;
  A* pa2b = &b;
  A* pa2c = &c;

  cout << pa2b->intf() << endl;
  cout << pa2b->df() << endl;
  cout << pa2c->intf() << endl;
  cout << pa2c->df() << endl;

  return 0;

Now this program compiles and runs fine. However, I have question about its design. Class A is the common interface and does not need to be instantiated. Class B and C need to be. Regarding the functions: intf() is needed by B but not C, and df() is needed by C but not B. If I make intf() {df()} pure virtual in A, then there is no reasonable definition of df() {intf()} for B {C}.

Edit: B and C share some data members and also some member functions other than f(). I have not shown it my stripped down code.

Finally, as is standard, my application needs to access both B and C through a pointer to A. So my question is: Is there a way to 'clean up' this design so that unrequired/empty member function definitions (such as I have done in declaration/definition of A) can be eliminated? There is a clear "IS-A" relationship between the classes. So even though I share every newbie's thrill about inheritance, I dont feel I have stretched my design just so I could use inheritance.

Background in case it helps: I am implementing a regression suite. Class A implements functions and matrices common to every regression (such as dependent and independent variables). Class B is logistic regression with two classes ('0' and '1') and defines cost functions, and training algorithm for two-class logistic regression. Class C is multi-class logistic regression. It extends class B by training for multiple classes using the "one-vs-all" algorithm. So in a sense C is a binary logistic regression if you think of your class of interest as positive examples and all others as negative examples. Then you do it for every class to implement multi-class regression. The functions (intf and df) in question return the output. In case of logistic regression, the return value is a vector, while for multiclass regression, it is a matrix. And, as stated above, B and C dont have any use for each others' return functions. Except that I cant seem to be able to eliminate redundant definitions in A (the regression class).

Thanks for your help.


2 に答える 2


Liskov Substitution Principle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liskov_substitution_principle) を参照してください。サブクラスはスーパークラスと同じ契約を満たさなければならないと述べています。あなたの例では、どちらのサブクラスもこれを行いません。「Is-A」関係は、継承を正当化するのに十分ではありません。

1 つのオプションは、次のような単一のテンプレート メソッドを使用することです。

template <typename T>
class A<T> {
    T getValue();

class B : A<int> {
    int getValue();

class C: A<double> {
    double getValue();


オブジェクト指向プログラミングの「ベスト プラクティス」について詳しく知りたい場合は、「Robert Martin SOLID」をググってください。

于 2012-10-26T19:50:52.113 に答える

あなたは、OOP の最も物議を醸すポイントの 1 つに触れました: is-a == 派生パターンは、結果的に「神のオブジェクト」アンチパターンになります。すべてに対して「答え」(「デフォルトの実装」を読む)を持っています。



あなたができる唯一のことは、妥協して、2 つのうちの 1 つを犠牲にすることです。

状況を見る限り、B と C には共通点がない (共有された有用なメソッドがない) ため、これらのメソッドを A から生成させないでください。「共有」するものがある場合は、おそらく、 B 関連の特定コードまたは C 関連の特定コードを入力する前に、B または C のタイプを入力してください。

これは通常、切り替えられるランタイム タイプ インジケーターを持つ共通ベース、または単に仮想関数 (通常はデストラクタ) を使用して、dynamic_cast を機能させることで行われます。

class A
    virtual ~A() {}

    template<class T>
    T* is() { return dynamic_cast<T*>(this); }

class B: public A
    int intf() { return 2; }

class C: public A
    double df() { return 3.14; }

int main()
    using namespace std;

    B b;
    C c;

    A* ba = &b;
    A* ca = &c;

    B* pb = ba->is<B>();
    if(pb) cout << pb->intf() << endl;

    C* pc = ca->is<C>();
    if(pc) cout << pc->df() << endl;
于 2012-10-26T20:12:18.030 に答える