私は潜んでいて、ここでたくさんの素晴らしい情報フォームを見つけましたが、ここ数日、私は立ち往生していて、私の問題に関する助けを見つけることができなかったので、ID 投稿を考えました.
`public class Assignment
// This method should return a *new copy* of
// the 2D cell matrix, with entries rotated clockwise
// The original matrix should not be changed
public static int[][] rotateClockwise(int[][] cells)
int w = cells.length;
int h = cells[0].length;
int[][] matrix = new int[h][w];
for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < w; ++j)
matrix[i][j] = cells[j][h - i - 1];
return matrix;
// This method should return a *new copy* of
// the 2D cell matrix, with entries rotated anti-clockwise
// The original matrix should not be changed
public static int[][] rotateAnticlockwise(int[][] cells)
int w = cells.length;
int h = cells[0].length;
int[][] matrix = new int[h][w];
for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < w; ++j)
matrix[i][j] = cells[w - j - 1][i];
return matrix;
// This method should return a *new copy* of the array, except
// that if there is a 0 that has a non-zero in the preceding
// slot in the array, then those two entries should be swapped
// See ProgrammingProject.pdf for an example
// The original array should not be changed
public static int[] dropOne(int[] column)
return column; // this will compile but gives the wrong result