var xStat = "G";
var statOptions = {
"Points": "PTS",
"Goals": "G",
"Assists": "A",
"Penalty Minutes": "PIM"
// create the select element
var selectUI = d3.select("#horse").append("form").append("select");
// create the options
selectUI.selectAll("option").data(d3.keys(statOptions)).enter().append("option").text(function(d) {
return d;
// add values to the options
selectUI.selectAll("option").data(d3.values(statOptions)).attr("value", function(d) {
return d;
// create a func to check if the value of an option equals the xStat var
// if yes, set the attribute "selected" to "selected"
var checkOption = function(e, i, a) {
if (e[i]["value"] === xStat) {
return e[i].attr("selected", "selected");
// selectUI.selectAll("option").forEach(checkOption);
ここにこれを行うための私の非動作の試みを含めました: http://jsfiddle.net/sspboyd/LzrAC/2/