アルファベット順のサイト インデックスに折り返しを追加する


# Alphabetical site index
# @see  http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/extension-manuals/cl_alphabeticalindex/0.1.3/view/toc/0/#
# @note typoscript/templates/ext/cl_alphabeticalindex/setup.ts
# stdWraps
plugin.tx_clalphabeticalindex_pi1 {
    excludeDoktypes = 5,6
    index.showEmpty = true
    list.defaultChar = A

    index_stdWrap.wrap = <ul class="alpha-index">|</ul>
    letter_stdWrap.wrap = <li>|</li>

    pageList_stdWrap.wrap = <ul class="alpha-index-page">|</ul>
    pageTitle_stdWrap.wrap = <li>|</li>

    # I Want to add inside the <li></li>
    # another wrap with the subtitle of the
    # pages <span>subtitle</span>
    # .. data = page:subtitle // page:title

    # this doesn't work
    pageTitle_stdWrap = COA
    pageTitle_stdWrap {
        10 = TEXT
        10 {
            outerWrap.cObject = COA
            outerWrap.cObject {
                10 = TEXT
                10 {
                    noTrimWrap = |<li>|</li>|
                    wrap = <li>|</li>
                    20 = TEXT
                    20 {
                        data = page:subtitle // page:title
                        innerWrap = <span>|</span>

    parentTitle_stdWrap.wrap = &nbsp;( | )

1 に答える 1