私は実質的にこのプログラムを使い果たしました。私の唯一の問題は私の計算だと思います。私の数値は完全にずれています。私は画像を投稿するには新しすぎるので、ここに私の出力へのリンクがあります。例: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/62/16902078.jpg/
#ifndef NUMDAYS_H
#define NUMDAYS_H
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
class NumDays
double hours, days;
void calcDays();
// Constructors
// Mutator Functions
void setHours(double);
// Accessor Functions
double getHours();
double getDays();
// Overloaded operator functions
NumDays operator + (const NumDays &); // Overloaded +
NumDays operator - (const NumDays &); // Overloaded -
NumDays operator ++ (); // Overloaded Prefix ++
NumDays operator ++ (int); // Overloaded Postfix ++
NumDays operator -- (); // Overloaded Prefix --
NumDays operator -- (int); // Overloaded Postfix --
// Implementation file for the NumDays class
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include "NumDays.h"
using namespace std;
// Recalculation function
void NumDays::calcDays()
days = hours / 8;
// Default Constructor
hours = 0;
days = 0;
// Constructor 1
NumDays::NumDays(double h)
hours = h;
days = hours * 1 / 8;
// Mutatory Functions
void NumDays::setHours(double h)
hours = h;
// Accessor Functions
double NumDays::getHours()
return hours;
double NumDays::getDays()
return days;
// Overloaded operator functions
NumDays NumDays::operator + (const NumDays &a)
NumDays temp;
temp.hours = this->hours + a.hours;
return temp;
NumDays NumDays::operator - (const NumDays &a)
NumDays temp;
temp.hours = this->hours + a.hours;
return temp;
NumDays NumDays::operator ++ ()
return *this;
NumDays NumDays::operator -- ()
return *this;
NumDays NumDays::operator ++ (int)
NumDays temp(*this);
return temp;
NumDays NumDays::operator -- (int)
return *this;
#include <iostream>
#include "NumDays.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
double hours1, hours2;
//Prompt for the data for the first 2 objects
cout << "Enter the number of hours for the the object called One: ";
cin >> hours1;
cout << "Enter the number of hours for the the object called Two: ";
cin >> hours2;
// Define two objects of WorkHours
NumDays one(hours1), two(hours2);
cout << "One: " << one.getDays() << " day(s)" << endl;
cout << "Two: " << two.getDays() << " day(s)" << endl << endl;
// Demonstrate addition and subtraction operators
cout << "Three = One + Two: " << (one - two).getDays() << " day(s)" << endl;
cout << "One - Two: " << (one - two).getDays() << " day(s)" << endl << endl;
// Define a third and fourth object to be used for further operator demonstrations
NumDays three(one + two), four;
// Demonstrate increment and decrement operators
four = three++;
cout << "Four = Three++ " << endl;
cout << " Three: " << three.getDays() << " day(s)" << endl;
cout << " Four: " << four.getDays() << " day(s)" << endl << endl;
four = ++three;
cout << "Four = ++Three: " << endl;
cout << " Three: " << three.getDays() << " day(s)" << endl;
cout << " Four: " << four.getDays() << " day(s)" << endl << endl;
four = three--;
cout << "Four = Three--: " << endl;
cout << " Three: " << three.getDays() << " day(s)" << endl;
cout << " Four: " << four.getDays() << " day(s)" << endl << endl;
four = --three;
cout << "Four = --Three: " << endl;
cout << " Three: " << three.getDays() << " day(s)" << endl;
cout << " Four: " << four.getDays() << " day(s)" << endl;
return 0;