Status : これには、リクエストのレスポンス コードが含まれます。これは、リクエストが実行されたときに実際に何が起こったかを判断する簡単な方法です。考えられる応答コードは次のとおりです。
200: Successful request (at least one placemark was returned).
400: Bad request (the server was unable to understand the request).
500: Server error (an unknown internal error occurred).
601: Missing query. This means the q parameter was not specified (or was an empty string).
602: Unknown address. This means that the request was performed but no placemarks were found.
603: Unavailable address. The given address could not be returned due to legal or contractual reasons.
610: An invalid Google Maps API key was specified.
620: Too many queries have been performed using the given API key.