日付の値から、BYDAY パラメータを使用して RRULE 文字列を作成する必要があります。
この目的のために、次のユーティリティ コードを作成しました。
import calendar
fweek_fday, mdays = calendar.monthrange(date.year, date.month)
# Get weekday of first day and total days in current month
mweeks = ((mdays+fweek_fday-1)//7)+1
# Get total weeks in current month
mday, wday = date.day, date.weekday()
# Get current day of month and current day as day of a week
week_days = ['MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA', 'SU']
week = ((mday+fweek_fday-1)//7)+(1 if wday>=fweek_fday else 0)
# Get current week no
week = -1 if week == mweeks else week
wday = week_days[wday]
output = "BYDAY=%d%s" % (week, wday)