Dropbox へのチャンク アップロードを実装しようとしています。Dropbox API ドキュメントの例に基づいてコードを作成しましたが、失敗します。
com.dropbox.client2.exception.DropboxIOException: Apache HTTPClient でエラーが発生しました。応答がありません。もう一度お試しください。com.dropbox.client2.RESTUtility.execute (不明なソース) com.dropbox.client2.DropboxAPI$ChunkedUploadRequest.upload (不明なソース) com.dropbox.client2.DropboxAPI$ChunkedUploader.upload (不明なソース) com.dropbox .client2.DropboxAPI$ChunkedUploader.upload(不明なソース)
/** Uploads content to Dropbox.
* @param dropbox An already linked dropbox API
* @param stream The stream to upload
* @param length The number of bytes to upload
* @param path The path where to store the uploaded content
* @return a boolean, false if the upload was cancelled, true if it completes
* @throws IOException
* @throws DropboxException
public static boolean upload(DropboxAPI<?> dropbox, InputStream stream,
long length, String path) throws IOException, DropboxException {
// Create a chunked uploader
ChunkedUploader uploader = dropbox.getChunkedUploader(stream, length);
try {
int tryCounter = 1;
while (!uploader.isComplete()) {
try {
uploader.upload(); // The exception occurs on this line
} catch (DropboxException e) {
if (tryCounter > 5) throw e; // Give up after a while.
System.err.println ("Upload failed, trying again ...");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
} catch (DropboxPartialFileException e) {
// Upload was cancelled
return false;
// If the upload completes, determine the current revision of the path.
String parentRev = null;
try {
Entry metadata = dropbox.metadata(path, 1, null, false, null);
parentRev = metadata.rev;
} catch (DropboxServerException e) {
// If the error is not a FileNotFound error => It's really an error
if (e.error!=DropboxServerException._404_NOT_FOUND) throw e;
// Finish the upload
uploader.finish(path, parentRev);
return true;
PS : もちろん、そのメソッドに渡す DropboxAPI インスタンスで他の API 関数が問題ないことを確認しました。