コロケーションを使用する必要があるプロジェクトに取り組んでいます。それらを抽出するために次のコードを作成しました。このコードは文字列を受け取り、この文字列内のコロケーション パターンのリストを返します。タグ付けには Stanford POS を使用しました。


*  A COLLOCATION is an expression consisting of two or more words that
*  correspond to some conventional way of saying things.
*  I used the seventh Part-of-speech-tag patterns for collocation filtering that 
*  were suggested by Justeson and Katz(1995).
*  These patterns are:
*  -----------------------------------------
*  |Tag |     Pattern Example              |
*  -----------------------------------------
*  |AN  | linear function                  |
*  |NN  | regression coefficients          |
*  |AAN | Gaussian random variable         |
*  |ANN | cumulative distribution function |
*  |NAN | mean squared error               |
*  |NNN | class probability function       |
*  |NPN | degrees of freedom               |                     
*  -----------------------------------------
*  Where A=adjective, P=preposition, & N=noun.
*  Stanford POS have been used for the extraction process. 
*  see: http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/tagger.shtml#Download
*  more on collocation:    http://nlp.stanford.edu/fsnlp/promo/colloc.pdf
*  more on POS:            http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/J/J93/J93-2004.pdf

public class GetCollocations {
    public static ArrayList<String> GetCollocations(String text) throws IOException,                ClassNotFoundException{
       MaxentTagger tagger = new MaxentTagger("taggers/wsj-0-18-left3words.tagger");
       String[] tagged = tagger.tagString(text).split("\\s+");

       ArrayList<String> collocations = new ArrayList();
       for (int i = 0; i < tagged.length; i++) {

           String pot = tagged[i].substring(tagged[i].indexOf("_") + 1);
           if (pot.equals("NN") || pot.equals("NNS") || pot.equals("NNP") ||    pot.equals("NNPS")) {

               pot = tagged[i + 1].substring(tagged[i + 1].indexOf("_") + 1);
               if (pot.equals("NN") || pot.equals("NNS") || pot.equals("NNP") || pot.equals("NNPS")) {

                collocations.add(GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i]) + " " + GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i + 1]));

                pot = tagged[i + 2].substring(tagged[i + 2].indexOf("_") + 1);
                if (pot.equals("NN") || pot.equals("NNS") || pot.equals("NNP") || pot.equals("NNPS")) {
                    collocations.add(GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i]) + " " + GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i + 1]) + " " + GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i + 2]));

            } else if (pot.equals("JJ") || pot.equals("JJR") || pot.equals("JJS")) {
                pot = tagged[i + 2].substring(tagged[i + 2].indexOf("_") + 1);

                if (pot.equals("NN") || pot.equals("NNS") || pot.equals("NNP") || pot.equals("NNPS")) {
                    collocations.add(GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i]) + " " + GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i + 1]) + " " + GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i + 2]));

            } else if (pot.equals("IN")) {
                pot = tagged[i + 2].substring(tagged[i + 2].indexOf("_") + 1);

                if (pot.equals("NN") || pot.equals("NNS") || pot.equals("NNP") || pot.equals("NNPS")) {
                    collocations.add(GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i]) + " " + GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i + 1]) + " " + GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i + 2]));


        } else if (pot.equals("JJ") || pot.equals("JJR") || pot.equals("JJS")) {
            pot = tagged[i + 1].substring(tagged[i + 1].indexOf("_") + 1);
            if (pot.equals("NN") || pot.equals("NNS") || pot.equals("NNP") || pot.equals("NNPS")) {
                collocations.add(GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i]) + " " + GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i + 1]));
                pot = tagged[i + 2].substring(tagged[i + 2].indexOf("_") + 1);
                if (pot.equals("NN") || pot.equals("NNS") || pot.equals("NNP") || pot.equals("NNPS")) {
                    collocations.add(GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i]) + " " + GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i + 1]) + " " + GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i + 2]));

            } else if (pot.equals("JJ") || pot.equals("JJR") || pot.equals("JJS")) {
                pot = tagged[i + 2].substring(tagged[i + 2].indexOf("_") + 1);
                if (pot.equals("NN") || pot.equals("NNS") || pot.equals("NNP") || pot.equals("NNPS")) {
                    collocations.add(GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i]) + " " + GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i + 1]) + " " + GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i + 2]));


    return collocations;

public static String GetWordWithoutTag(String wordWithTag){
    String wordWithoutTag = wordWithTag.substring(0,wordWithTag.indexOf("_"));
    return wordWithoutTag;


1 に答える 1



on a 2008 nothing-special Intel server, it tags about 15000 words per second



private static Boolean  _isNoun(String pot) {
    if(pot.equals("NN") || pot.equals("NNS") || pot.equals("NNP") || pot.equals("NNPS")) return true;
    else return false;

private static Boolean _isAdjective(String pot){
    if(pot.equals("JJ") || pot.equals("JJR") || pot.equals("JJS")) return true;
    else return false;


public static ArrayList<String> GetCollocations(String text) throws IOException,                ClassNotFoundException{
    MaxentTagger tagger = new MaxentTagger("taggers/wsj-0-18-left3words.tagger");
    String[] tagged = tagger.tagString(text).split("\\s+");
    ArrayList<String> collocations = new ArrayList();

    for (int i = 0; i < tagged.length; i++) {
        String pot = tagged[i].substring(tagged[i].indexOf("_") + 1);

        if (_isNoun(pot) || _isAdjective(pot)) {
            pot = tagged[i + 1].substring(tagged[i + 1].indexOf("_") + 1);

            if (_isNoun(pot) || _isAdjective(pot)) {
                collocations.add(GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i]) + " " + GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i + 1]));
                pot = tagged[i + 2].substring(tagged[i + 2].indexOf("_") + 1);

                if (_isNoun(pot)) {
                    collocations.add(GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i]) + " " + GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i + 1]) + " " + GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i + 2]));

            } else if (pot.equals("IN")) {
                pot = tagged[i + 2].substring(tagged[i + 2].indexOf("_") + 1);

                if (_isNoun(pot)) {
                    collocations.add(GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i]) + " " + GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i + 1]) + " " + GetWordWithoutTag(tagged[i + 2]));

    return collocations;

于 2012-11-02T21:04:22.680 に答える