Background: So I'm a novice to the whole app engine thing: I have made an app on google app engine that on the main page accepts user input and then sends the information to a handler that then uses the Big Query API to run a synchronous query with some tables I have uploaded to Big Query. The handler then sends back the results of the query as a json.

Problem: In deployment it works mostly except sometimes a user can often run into this error while trying to make the synchronous query:

Error in runSyncQuery:

 "error": {
  "errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "termsOfServiceNotAccepted",
"message": "BigQuery Terms of Service have not been accepted"
 "code": 403,
 "message": "BigQuery Terms of Service have not been accepted"

After doing some searching I com across this: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/bigquery-announce/l0kwVNpQX5A/ct0MglMmYMwJ

If you make API calls that are authenticated as an end user, then API calls will soon return errors when the end user has not accepted the updated Terms of Service. Apps built against the BigQuery API should ideally look for those errors and direct the user to the Google APIs Console to accept the new terms.

Except I dont really understand how to do this.

Also all the potential user accounts that I have tested my app with have access to a specific project that has Big Query API enabled, and can use the API so why does this pop up?

Also there are times when a specific account does not run into this problem. For instance if I keep refreshing and retrying to use the app eventually it will not have this problem and work. But then the next time this error will resurface again. I don't understand how a user can have accepted the terms of service at one point of time and then not another at some point in the future?


1 に答える 1


はい。BigQuery API へのアクセスを許可するエンド ユーザーは、Google Developers Console ( https://developers.google.com/console ) が提供する利用規約 (ToS) に同意する必要があります。

利用規約が変更される可能性があり、プロジェクト メンバーの一部が更新された BigQuery ToS にまだ同意していない可能性があります。BigQuery API へのアクセスを承認するときにユーザーの 1 人がこのメッセージを受け取った場合は、ユーザーをhttps://developers.google.com/consoleにリダイレクトして利用規約に同意します。

Re: 「特定のアカウントではこの問題は発生しません」 - これが特定のプロジェクトの特定のアカウントで一貫して発生していることを確認できますか?

于 2012-11-05T23:09:50.763 に答える