I'm working on a Greasemonkey script, and would like to tally a specific value from an attribute. Problem is, the attribute values I want are paginated. I've tried changing the URL to see if it can list everything in one page, but no luck. It always limits to a view of only 40 per page.

I was wondering if the best way to achieve this is by incrementing a value in the URL, by using an if and then statement.

For instance, if a certain element is present (.standard-row), the start=0 in the URL will increment by 40 to start=40, then automatically reload the incremented URL and scan again, if the specific element (.standard-row) is present again, increment by another 40, to start=80. All the while storing the attribute values its fetching from each page.

When the specific element (.standard-row) is no longer visible, it will move onto tallying the attribute values it collected.

Below is the URL I'm trying to increment. The portion of the URL I would like to increment is "start=".


The code I listed below is what I'm using to tally the attribute value. It works great for one page, however, I would like to fetch all the attribute values from the paginated pages. If possible.

var total = 0;
$("#tab-body-account .rap-link").each(function() {
  var price = +($(this).attr("data-docprice").replace(/[^\d\.]/g, ""));
  total += price;  
$('.tabbed-panel-tab').before('<div id="SumTotal">*Combined Value: $'+ total.toFixed(2) +'</div>');

Thanks in advance for any advice.


1 に答える 1


と を使用GM_setValue()GM_getValue()て、ページ間の合計を格納します。startパラメータの状態と.standard-row要素が存在するかどうかを確認してください。


var startParam      = location.search.match (/\bstart=(\d+)/i);
if (startParam) {
    var totalPrice  = 0;
    var startNum    = parseInt (startParam[1], 10);
    if (startNum    === 0) {
        GM_setValue ("TotalPrice", "0");
    else {
        totalPrice  = parseFloat (GM_getValue ("TotalPrice", 0) );

    $("#tab-body-account .rap-link").each( function () {
        var price   = $(this).attr ("data-docprice").replace (/[^\d\.]/g, "");
        if (price) {
            price   = parseFloat (price);
            if (typeof price === "number") {
                totalPrice += price;
    } );
    //console.log ("totalPrice: ", totalPrice.toFixed(2) );

    $('.tabbed-panel-tab').before (
        '<div id="SumTotal">*Combined Value: $'+ totalPrice.toFixed(2) +'</div>'

    GM_setValue ("TotalPrice", "" + totalPrice);

    if ( $(".standard-row").length ) {
        startNum       += 40;
        var nextPage    = location.href.replace (
            /\bstart=\d+/i, "start=" + startNum
        location.assign (nextPage);

注: GM_関数には

// ==UserScript==
// @name     _YOUR SCRIPT NAME
// @include  http://YOUR_SERVER.COM/YOUR_PATH/*
// @require  http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js
// @grant    GM_setValue   
// @grant    GM_getValue   
// ==/UserScript==
于 2012-11-04T22:20:41.093 に答える