PhoneGap 2.1 で iOS PhoneGap Screenshot プラグインを使用しようとしています。
これは私の Screenshot.m ファイルです (Plugind フォルダーに入れます)。
// Screenshot.h
// Created by Simon Madine on 29/04/2010.
// Copyright 2010 The Angry Robot Zombie Factory.
// - Converted to Cordova 1.6.1 by Josemando Sobral.
// MIT licensed
// Modifications to support orientation change by @ffd8
#import "Screenshot.h"
@implementation Screenshot
@synthesize webView;
- (void)saveScreenshot:(NSArray*)arguments withDict:(NSDictionary*)options
CGRect imageRect;
CGRect screenRect = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
// statusBarOrientation is more reliable than UIDevice.orientation
UIInterfaceOrientation orientation = [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation;
if (orientation == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft || orientation == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight) {
// landscape check
imageRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, CGRectGetHeight(screenRect), CGRectGetWidth(screenRect));
} else {
// portrait check
imageRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, CGRectGetWidth(screenRect), CGRectGetHeight(screenRect));
CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
[[UIColor blackColor] set];
CGContextTranslateCTM(ctx, 0, 0);
CGContextFillRect(ctx, imageRect);
[webView.layer renderInContext:ctx];
UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(image, nil, nil, nil);
UIAlertView *alert= [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:nil message:@"Image Saved" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
[alert show];
[alert release];
これは私の Screenshot.h ファイルで、Plugins フォルダーに入れられます:
// Screenshot.h
// Created by Simon Madine on 29/04/2010.
// Copyright 2010 The Angry Robot Zombie Factory.
// - Converted to Cordova 1.6.1 by Josemando Sobral.
// MIT licensed
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
#import <Cordova/CDVPlugin.h>
@interface Screenshot : CDVPlugin {
- (void)saveScreenshot:(NSArray*)arguments withDict:(NSDictionary*)options;
これは、www フォルダーに配置された私の Screenshot.js ファイルです。
* This code is adapted from the work of Michael Nachbaur
* by Simon Madine of The Angry Robot Zombie Factory
* - Converted to Cordova 1.6.1 by Josemando Sobral.
* 2012-07-03
* MIT licensed
* Temporary Scope to contain the plugin.
* - More information here:
(function() {
/* Get local ref to global PhoneGap/Cordova/cordova object for exec function.
- This increases the compatibility of the plugin. */
var cordovaRef = window.PhoneGap || window.Cordova || window.cordova; // old to new fallbacks
* This class exposes the ability to take a Screenshot to JavaScript
function Screenshot() { }
* Save the screenshot to the user's Photo Library
Screenshot.prototype.saveScreenshot = function() {
cordovaRef.exec(null, null, "Screenshot", "saveScreenshot", []);
cordovaRef.addConstructor(function() {
if (!window.plugins) {
window.plugins = {};
if (!window.plugins.Screenshot) {
window.plugins.Screenshot = new Screenshot();
})(); /* End of Temporary Scope. */
私は自分の関数を次の行で script.js と呼んでいます: window.plugins.Screenshot.saveScreenshot() ;
Cordova.plist に Screenshot プラグインを既に追加しました
今、私はアプリケーションを実行していますが、コンパイルエラーはありませんが、JS は機能せず、画像アプリにスクリーンショットがありません。