


  • 入力:202(hex)== 514(dec)
  • 出力:BCD 0x415

  • 入力:0x202

  • ビット表現:0010 0000 0010 = 514


unsigned int uiValue = 0x202;
unsigned int uiResult = 0;
unsigned int uiMultiplier = 1;
unsigned int uiDigit = 0;

// get the dec bcd value
while ( uiValue > 0 )
    uiDigit= uiValue & 0x0F;
    uiValue >>= 4;
    uiResult += uiMultiplier * uiDigit;
    uiMultiplier *= 10;




10 に答える 10


あなたはそれを間違った方法で手に入れました。質問の(元の)タイトルが示すように、コードはBCD から binaryに変換しています。ただし、指定した入力値と出力値は、バイナリから BCDに変換する場合にのみ正しいです。その場合は、次を試してください。

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {

   int binaryInput = 0x202; 
   int bcdResult = 0;
   int shift = 0;

   printf("Binary: 0x%x (dec: %d)\n", binaryInput , binaryInput );

   while (binaryInput > 0) {
      bcdResult |= (binaryInput % 10) << (shift++ << 2);
      binaryInput /= 10;

   printf("BCD: 0x%x (dec: %d)\n", bcdResult , bcdResult );
   return 0;

証明: http://ideone.com/R0reQh

于 2012-11-06T09:16:09.880 に答える


unsigned long toPackedBcd (unsigned int val)
  unsigned long bcdresult = 0; char i;

  for (i = 0; val; i++)
    ((char*)&bcdresult)[i / 2] |= i & 1 ? (val % 10) << 4 : (val % 10) & 0xf;
    val /= 10;
  return bcdresult;


Copyright (c) 2016 enthusiasticgeek<enthusiasticgeek@gmail.com> Binary to Packed BCD
This code may be used (including commercial products) without warranties of any kind (use at your own risk)
as long as this copyright notice is retained.
Author, under no circumstances, shall not be responsible for any code crashes or bugs.
Exception to copyright code: 'reverse string function' which is taken from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19853014/reversing-a-string-in-place-in-c-pointers#19853059
Double Dabble Algorithm for unsigned int explanation

255(binary) - base 10 -> 597(packed BCD) - base 16
     H|    T|    U|        (Keep shifting left)
             1 1111111
            11 111111  
           111 11111
          1010 11111    <-----added 3 in unit's place (7+3 = 10) 
        1 0101 1111  
        1 1000 1111     <-----added 3 in unit's place (5+3 = 8)
       11 0001 111
      110 0011 11       
     1001 0011 11       <-----added 3 in ten's place (6+3 = 9)
   1 0010 0111 1  
   1 0010 1010 1        <-----added 3 in unit's place (7+3 = 10)
  10 0101 0101  -> binary 597 but bcd 255
  ^    ^    ^  
  |    |    |
  2    5    5   
#include <stdio.h>   
#include <string.h>

//Function Prototypes
unsigned int binaryToPackedBCD (unsigned int binary); 
char * printPackedBCD(unsigned int bcd, char * bcd_string);

// For the following function see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19853014/reversing-a-string-in-place-in-c-pointers#19853059
void reverse(char *str);

//Function Definitions
unsigned int binaryToPackedBCD (unsigned int binary) {
  const unsigned int TOTAL_BITS = 32;
  /*Place holder for bcd*/
  unsigned int bcd = 0;
  unsigned int i,j = 0;
  for (i=0; i<TOTAL_BITS; i++) {
      Identify the bit to append  to LSB of 8 byte or 32 bit word -
      First bitwise AND mask with 1. 
      Then shift to appropriate (nth shift) place. 
      Then shift the result back to the lsb position. 
      unsigned int binary_bit_to_lsb = (1<<(TOTAL_BITS-1-i)&binary)>>(TOTAL_BITS-1-i);
      /*shift by 1 place and append bit to lsb*/
      bcd = ( bcd<<1 ) | binary_bit_to_lsb;       
      /*printf("=> %u\n",bcd);*/
      /*Don't add 3 for last bit shift i.e. in this case 32nd bit*/
      if( i >= TOTAL_BITS-1) { 
      /*else continue*/
      /* Now, check every nibble from LSB to MSB and if greater than or equal 5 - add 3 if so */
      for (j=0; j<TOTAL_BITS; j+=4) {
        unsigned int temp = (bcd & (0xf<<j))>>j;
        if(temp >= 0x5) {
        /*printf("[%u,%u], %u, bcd = %u\n",i,j, temp, bcd);*/
        /*Now, add 3 at the appropriate nibble*/
         bcd = bcd  + (3<<j);
        // printf("Now bcd = %u\n", bcd);
  /*printf("The number is %u\n",bcd);*/
  return bcd;

char * printPackedBCD(unsigned int bcd, char * bcd_string) {
  const unsigned int TOTAL_BITS = 32;
  printf("[LSB] =>\n");
   /* Now, check every nibble from LSB to MSB and convert to char* */
  for (unsigned int j=0; j<TOTAL_BITS; j+=4) {
  //for (unsigned int j=TOTAL_BITS-1; j>=4; j-=4) {
      unsigned int temp = (bcd & (0xf<<j))>>j;
    bcd_string[j/4] = '0';      
      } else if(temp==1){
    bcd_string[j/4] = '1';
      } else if(temp==2){
    bcd_string[j/4] = '2';
      } else if(temp==3){
    bcd_string[j/4] = '3';
      } else if(temp==4){
    bcd_string[j/4] = '4';
      } else if(temp==5){
    bcd_string[j/4] = '5';
      } else if(temp==6){
    bcd_string[j/4] = '6';
      } else if(temp==7){
    bcd_string[j/4] = '7';
      } else if(temp==8){
    bcd_string[j/4] = '8';
      } else if(temp==9){
    bcd_string[j/4] = '9';
      } else {
    bcd_string[j/4] = 'X';
      printf ("[%u - nibble] => %c\n", j/4, bcd_string[j/4]);
  printf("<= [MSB]\n");
  return bcd_string;

// For the following function see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19853014/reversing-a-string-in-place-in-c-pointers#19853059
void reverse(char *str)
    if (str != 0 && *str != '\0') // Non-null pointer; non-empty string
    char *end = str + strlen(str) - 1; 
    while (str < end)
        char tmp = *str; 
        *str++ = *end; 
        *end-- = tmp;

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  unsigned int number = 255;
  unsigned int bcd = binaryToPackedBCD(number);
  char bcd_string[8];
  printPackedBCD(bcd, bcd_string);
  printf("Binary (Base 10) = %u => Packed BCD (Base 16) = %u\n OR \nPacked BCD String = %s\n", number, bcd, bcd_string);
  return 0;
于 2012-12-10T16:28:09.783 に答える


202 は 10 進数の 514 に相当する HEX である必要があります... したがって、BCD 計算は正しいです

バイナリ コード 10 進数は、10 進数 (514) を 3 つのニブル サイズのフィールドに変換します。 - 5 = 0101 - 1 = 0001 - 4 = 0100

より大きな問題は、タイトルが間違った方法であり、Uint を BCD に変換しているのに対し、タイトルは BCD を Unint に要求したことです。

于 2012-11-06T09:13:52.727 に答える


char buffer[16];
sprintf(buffer, "%d", var);
sscanf(buffer, "%x", &var);
于 2012-11-06T09:17:20.550 に答える
long bin2BCD(long binary) { // double dabble: 8 decimal digits in 32 bits BCD
  if (!binary) return 0;
  long bit = 0x4000000; //  99999999 max binary
  while (!(binary & bit)) bit >>= 1;  // skip to MSB

  long bcd = 0;
  long carry = 0;
  while (1) {
    bcd <<= 1;
    bcd += carry; // carry 6s to next BCD digits (10 + 6 = 0x10 = LSB of next BCD digit)
    if (bit & binary) bcd |= 1;
    if (!(bit >>= 1)) return bcd;
    carry = ((bcd + 0x33333333) & 0x88888888) >> 1; // carrys: 8s -> 4s
    carry += carry >> 1; // carrys 6s  
于 2020-11-22T14:12:49.110 に答える